To T.O. or not T.O


Nov 8, 2005
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Pearl City IL
SO what say you all if T.O comes available in the next two weeks do the Packers make a play for him as long as all nessacary items are written into a contract and he plays for a sum of money that allows the Pack cap room would you be in favor or not.

Me Personally I dont think the pack will even have a shot at him


Jun 6, 2005
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***** T.O. and his love of himself. When will people learn that after a life spent being a turd, this guy will always be a turd.

Remember, just as a leopard cannot change its spots, a turd cannot change its corn!!


Jun 6, 2005
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interesting article on TO from ESPN: by Dan LeBatard:

Asked for one word to describe himself, Owens says, "Confident." Asked for another, he adds, "Very." Insecurities? "None whatsoever. People are scared of that. Intimidated." Such arrogance is wonderfully helpful on the field, but it doesn't serve him so well elsewhere. Sports America, especially white America, older America, tends to prefer its athletic heroes humble, more like aw-shucks Boy Scout Peyton Manning. That may explain why the best-selling NFL jerseys are those of Tom Brady and Brian Urlacher. Sports America tends to be more comfortable with modesty, even if it's patently false, than arrogance, even if it's the God's honest truth. Owens' greatest sin isn't knowing that he's better than everyone on the field as much as it is letting you know he knows it.

No less an authority than Jerry Rice counseled Owens to turn down the volume on that, but ...

"Man, that's not me," Owens says. "I wasn't raised like that. I'm stubborn. Jerry talked to me about how to talk to the media, how to play the game, but I'm not interested. I'm going to have my fun. And if I get attacked, I'm going to put my armor on and my shield up."

Owens has always been a loner, ever since a suffocating childhood with a grandmother who drank, whipped him and rarely allowed him to leave her yard. Owens put a barrier of icy distance between himself and his 49ers teammates when he arrived in 1996. Dana Stubblefield, who says he now likes Owens, acknowledges that most guys in the league and in his own locker room don't. Jeremy Newberry once threatened to beat up Owens if he didn't stop whining about not getting the ball. And Kevan Barlow, a rookie last year, called him antisocial.

Antisocial? "Probably," Owens says. Does he care if he's disliked? "Not really. This isn't a nice game. I find joy within myself."

There's a certain independence associated with his position. Even the reinvented Rice was, by his own admission, a world-class *** his first decade in the league, often walking away in midsentence from even 49ers employees trying to talk to him. So Owens says, "I don't mind being called selfish. I didn't get where I am being unselfish." Owens believes, correctly, he's the best player on his team and therefore extrapolates, correctly, that getting him the ball gives his team the best chance to win. Joe Montana, patron saint of the 49ers way, whatever the hell that is, thought the same way. A lot of guys in sports are selfish like that. The "good guys" are just far better at hiding it.

This year, after having a friend die last off-season, Owens has tried to be more affable in ways his teammates have noticed. He's smiling more, mingling more, leaving rambling thank-you messages on answering machines, but it is not nearly as natural for him as distance is.

"I didn't talk to nobody at all when I got here because I really didn't know how to interact," Owens says. "I didn't have a lot of affection in my childhood, so I don't know how to be affectionate. I still have trouble with that at times, but I'm getting better. I'm still moody, but I'm getting better. Growing up, I never heard 'I love you' from my mother, my grandmother, my father. I heard it from my mom the first time two years ago, and it still seems awkward. There's hesitance."

Owens grew up caged in a small rectangle between his grandmother's steps and her mailbox in Alexander City, Ala. He was never allowed to play football or bicycle with the kids out front. Through high school, he couldn't watch TV or leave that yard. He'd sneak away sometimes when his grandmother passed out, but the other kids would tell him he had better get back home.

Terrell doesn't hate his grandmother for that, saying, "I've never questioned it." He figures he wouldn't be where he is without her keeping him from trouble. In fact, he begins crying now when discussing her Alzheimer's, saying his biggest regret is that she can't recognize him, or what he's become. The tears come again later, when talking about -- of all things -- Wheel of Fortune. He froze during a guest appearance on it, awed by touching and hearing the wheel, because that was the only show his grandmother had ever allowed him to watch, and now she wasn't lucid enough to be proud of him for appearing on it.

complete article:

Noisey Packer Fan

Jun 29, 2005
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Dixon Mo
:roll: I would have mixed enoitions about it :D :( :shock: :-? :x :?: :twisted: 8) I dont think he would fit in at Green Bay if we could have his talent and sew his mouth shut it would be a perfict match!


Aug 16, 2005
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if we win our next 2 games, yeah im all for TO and the problems he comes with. cuz if he comes, we will win out. If we dont win our next 2, which we wont, then no TO. So...NO


Oct 18, 2005
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Bavaria, Germany
P@ck66 said:
interesting article on TO from ESPN: by Dan LeBatard:
Owens has always been a loner, ever since a suffocating childhood with a grandmother who drank, whipped him and rarely allowed him to leave her yard.
Jeremy Newberry once threatened to beat up Owens if he didn't stop whining about not getting the ball. And Kevan Barlow, a rookie last year, called him antisocial.
Antisocial? "Probably," Owens says. Does he care if he's disliked? "Not really. This isn't a nice game. I find joy within myself."
Owens grew up caged in a small rectangle between his grandmother's steps and her mailbox in Alexander City, Ala. He was never allowed to play football or bicycle with the kids out front. Through high school, he couldn't watch TV or leave that yard. He'd sneak away sometimes when his grandmother passed out, but the other kids would tell him he had better get back home.

Sounds like Mr. Dan LeB. would be To's attourney. :smurf:

"My client, little Terell sitting here in front of you MUST plead NOT GUILTY! He had a bad childhood without TV, love, family, and friends. (Kaspar Hauser of modern times??)
You MUST accept his appologies (you won't get anything better :wink: ), you MUST believe his promises of becoming a better man (a fault confessed is half redressed :doh: ), you MUST appreciate the fact that he has to act like he does (even if he don't want or like to akt like this :doh: :doh: ) and you MUST give him and his agent, poor little Mr. DRosy a new and big-money contract (they are worth it :doh: :doh: :doh: and To will play it out in about 4 1/2 weeks and there will be no new demands :cross: )"

He still is whining for not getting the ball :cry: and the team not celebrating his 100th TD :bow: and he still is caged in a (today bigger) rectangle.

Sorry girls and boys, but that guy needs nothing but a lifelong fulltime therapy (Ms Smith and Mr Jones would long ago have been institutionalized :crazy: )

Mehr sogi net :twocents:


Jun 6, 2005
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This is my favorite part...

"Sports America, especially white America, older America, tends to prefer its athletic heroes humble, more like aw-shucks Boy Scout Peyton Manning. That may explain why the best-selling NFL jerseys are those of Tom Brady and Brian Urlacher. Sports America tends to be more comfortable with modesty, even if it's patently false, than arrogance, even if it's the God's honest truth. Owens' greatest sin isn't knowing that he's better than everyone on the field as much as it is letting you know he knows.." TO may have a few squirrels running around in his what...sounds like he earned them...

Never judge a man until you walked in his shoes...


Oct 18, 2005
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Bavaria, Germany
P@ck66 said: TO may have a few squirrels running around in his what...sounds like he earned them...


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Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
Let's see....when he left San Fran he hinted that Garcia is gay. He wanted to play badly with McNabb. McNabb gets the press and money and now he hates McNabb. Now he wants to play with guys finish it. He is a major insecure ******. He and his idiot agent have cost him millions of dollars that he can never recover.


Dec 15, 2004
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I was amazed to read a blurb in my local Arizona paper today, that said Vegas put out odds on which team would end up with Owens.

The Ravens were the favorite at 10-1, which surprised me because Owens refused to report there last year.

The 2nd favorite was Green Bay at 11-1, which surprised me even more. I just can't see TT taking Owens, but maybe Vegas knows something I don't.

No team taking him had odds of 22-1


Jun 6, 2005
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Lynchburg, VA

Azpack filled in for what I wanted to add to what DePack said...he burns every bridge in SanFran...begs and pleads to go ANYWHERE...along come the Ravens, but he suddenly sings a different tune and whines again...along come the Eagles and 'to' claims to never be happier, then 1 year later all hell breaks lose.

'to' will never be satisified, and will only behave until the novelty has worn off....which in his case doesn't take long.


Aug 27, 2005
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Let's see....when he left San Fran he hinted that Garcia is gay. He wanted to play badly with McNabb. McNabb gets the press and money and now he hates McNabb. Now he wants to play with guys finish it. He is a major insecure ******. He and his idiot agent have cost him millions of dollars that he can never recover.

Exactly. When you read that article, ya you feel bad for what he may have went through. His celebrations I think are disrespectful and over the top sometimes, but he isn't some convict, wife beater or druggie. But the fact that he calls out his own team mates is what bugs me the most. He just sounds like an arrogant a**hole when he does that. Yeah, I think the media does try to find anything negative they can about him at times, which may not be fair...but when you bash your QB and organization like that, your gonna look like a tool.

He is a great player, but I don't think that attitude and his jacka** agent making the situation even worse would be a good fit on the Packers.

*Now Roesenhaus (sp?)....thats a whole another thing.....he's a d*ck.


Dec 17, 2004
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Burnaby, B.C.
From the article: Something else that shapes his shield: Owens was 11 years old when he developed a huge crush on a girl across the street. The girl's father found out and, none too pleased, came over to talk to Terrell. The subsequent conversation revealed that Terrell was not allowed to have a crush on that girl because, well, she was Terrell's sister. And that was how Terrell learned who his father was.

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Raider Pride

Jul 18, 2005
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Portland, OR Local Packer Fans P.M me.

Thank you for posting that article my freind. Good stuff! I may have not found that article, and I thank you for posting it.

If any team signs him it would be just the same as if the Eagles let him come back. If any team signs him now, it will kill the coach who let it happen, who let him in the locker room. It may not kill the GM or the owner but it will kill the coach.

Below is the best of the best of comments I have read today on the possible return of T.O. to the Eagles, and heretofore any team that gives into giving this guy another shot.

From beat writer Kevin Roberts at the Courier-Post.

"If Andy Reid takes Owens back, everything Andy Reid stands for would be wrecked forever. His locker room would become the Old West. He'd be like Mike Tice in Minnesota, who in addition to not being a very good coach lost his team because of the way he catered to Randy Moss and let him run wild. Tice cut the cord with Moss too late, and he'll be appearing soon in an unemployment line near you."

"Way to go Kevin! A brilliant analogy, and Mike Tice is indeed a dead man walking."



Jun 6, 2005
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Who cares about T.O.s childhood? There are millions of people who have had a childhood from hell but they go on to live normal productive lives and do not have millions of dollars in the bank or a bunch of people kissing their *** to help them ease their pain.
When are we going to get away from treating every jerk in this country like they are a victim?


Sep 30, 2005
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Nice article!

To add... I doubt MS's "nice guy" personality has what it takes to keep a handle on a player like TO


Jun 6, 2005
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What's the matter Phil? Do you feel a little guilty about TO?

No sense of empathy for another human being?

I thinks it's kind of sad and pathetic because the guy can't help himself and he keeps putting his foot in it...He's possibly going to ruin a HOF career because he doesn't know how to be around other people because of social deprivation...and the fact that people like you Phil, probably called him an a**hole (among other things) his whole life BECAUSE he was poorly he develops this persona called "TO" partly as a defense mechanism, and partly to give himself the acceptance and self-esteem that he never received from his mamma as a child...and he's trying to get it from NFL football you!

and it's really not about $$$ because this guys whole identity and self-esteem is wrapped up in being a perfectionist and the "best" player on the field in the NFL...and he can't even do that now...because the Eagles and perhaps no one else will let him play...

He screwed himself by being himself and feels that nobody understands him..even if he is truly sorry for his behavior which he can not help....

UNLESS...he learns from this experience for REAL and realizes he just wants to play football...and screw all the other bullsh!t....

If that happens..the Pack should sign him...

The Pack doesn't have a team psychiatrist on the they?


Dec 21, 2004
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I say you go for him. The way he helped out phily, he can do the same for you guys!! You will be loving him when he says you guys would be undefeated if you had Payton Manning. Wait until he questions Brett Favre's heart!!!! You will love him then!!!


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
66...your joking right? Now he's a ******* victim? Give me a break. This ***HOLE (oops...sorry TO...hope it doesn't offend you) has been given everything to him. He is a petulant little piece of ****.

So what....his daddy didn't hug him when he was a little boy. That's reason enough to publicly call Garcia gay? Maybe he should have invested that last signing bonus on therapy.....instead of pictures of himself.

Crush on his sister, my ***! The same can be said for half the guys in Jersey.


Jun 6, 2005
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P@ck66 said:
What's the matter Phil? Do you feel a little guilty about TO?

No sense of empathy for another human being?

I thinks it's kind of sad and pathetic because the guy can't help himself and he keeps putting his foot in it...He's possibly going to ruin a HOF career because he doesn't know how to be around other people because of social deprivation...and the fact that people like you Phil, probably called him an a**hole (among other things) his whole life BECAUSE he was poorly he develops this persona called "TO" partly as a defense mechanism, and partly to give himself the acceptance and self-esteem that he never received from his mamma as a child...and he's trying to get it from NFL football you!

and it's really not about $$$ because this guys whole identity and self-esteem is wrapped up in being a perfectionist and the "best" player on the field in the NFL...and he can't even do that now...because the Eagles and perhaps no one else will let him play...

He screwed himself by being himself and feels that nobody understands him..even if he is truly sorry for his behavior which he can not help....

UNLESS...he learns from this experience for REAL and realizes he just wants to play football...and screw all the other b.s.....

If that happens..the Pack should sign him...

The Pack doesn't have a team psychiatrist on the they?

Are you not the same guy who called for the Packers coach to be shot?
Cry me a river. I bet that T.O. just sits up all night worrying about you too buddy. If he worked with me the company would have fired him a long time ago. That is how things are in the real world. Acting like a jerk and then saying that you are just being yourself makes you a what? That's right! A jerk!
If you want me to have a sense of empathy for another human being than they must first act like one.


Dec 21, 2004
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"petulant little piece of ****." Depack anyone that uses petulant in a football forum gets Kudos from me!!! You DA MAN!!!!!!!! Say some more stuff like that, frst tell me and alot of other pepole what that means J/K!!!

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