Hmmmmmm, that looks interesting and I found pretty good reviews on the web as well. Never heard of it before.
But I'd especially love to hear how you guys pronounce Tröegs with "O-Umlaut"
Just like the Germans would pronounce it without the "e".
Hmmmmmm, that looks interesting and I found pretty good reviews on the web as well. Never heard of it before.
But I'd especially love to hear how you guys pronounce Tröegs with "O-Umlaut"
How come, Bill?I've lost my taste for beer.
Well, my experience so far is that those letters seem to be pretty difficult to pronounceJust like the Germans would pronounce it without the "e".
Tuesday around noon and you're already having a whisky?Well, I just got a can of "Shermans March" pipe tobacco and I'm drinking "Rebel Yell" whisky. My poor body doesn't know what to do!
Well, my experience so far is that those letters seem to be pretty difficult to pronounce
for native English speakers. Like "th" for us non-native English speakers. Thats why I was surprised to see a brand name like this in an English speaking country.
Tuesday around noon and you're already having a whisky?
Do we need to get worried, Croak?
How come, Bill?
Hmmmmmm, that looks interesting and I found pretty good reviews on the web as well. Never heard of it before.
But I'd especially love to hear how you guys pronounce Tröegs with "O-Umlaut"
I've lost my taste for beer.
Well, my experience so far is that those letters seem to be pretty difficult to pronounce
for native English speakers. Like "th" for us non-native English speakers. Thats why I was surprised to see a brand name like this in an English speaking country.
Hmmmmmm, that looks interesting and I found pretty good reviews on the web as well. Never heard of it before.
But I'd especially love to hear how you guys pronounce Tröegs with "O-Umlaut"
Did you have a cold ? Or an infection ? Had this some years ago and couldn't smell and taste anymore but it came back after two weeks slowly. This was horrible. Hope you get better soon.Not sure what`s happening Nessie, but I don`t like the situation.
Did you have a cold ? Or an infection ? Had this some years ago and couldn't smell and taste anymore but it came back after two weeks slowly. This was horrible. Hope you get better soon.
They ignore the umlaut lol
From an interview...
"T.B.I.M: How do you pronounce Tröegs?
Tröegs: It’s pronounced with a long O, not uh or uh-e (as the umlaut would imply)."
LentNearly 9 days since last post? Is everyone fasting?
And you're still alive ?ended up drinking 8 pints of beer, and near half a bottle of 15yr old Glenlivet, and didn't win any money at poker
Only a "couple days" ?Went to the craft beer store today. Bought $160 worth of beer. Should hold me for a couple of days.
I'm Scottish!!And you're still alive ?