Oh, ok Dakota! Sometimes on here its hard to tell just what someone means.
The thing is.........what if a good RB isn't there at the 16th pick? (I THINK thats where GB picks) then what do you do? Plus, how many "can't miss" players bomb in the NFL. Theres NO guarentee, thats for sure! In that case you take a D player, and maybe pick up a RB later.
And I'm SURE TT realizes that it takes offense to win games. After all, if you don't score any points, you can't win! I don't think the guy is stupid! There are only 32 NFL GM's in the world, and they don't get there by being dumb! (Well.......except Matt Millen!)LOL!
The thing is.........what if a good RB isn't there at the 16th pick? (I THINK thats where GB picks) then what do you do? Plus, how many "can't miss" players bomb in the NFL. Theres NO guarentee, thats for sure! In that case you take a D player, and maybe pick up a RB later.
And I'm SURE TT realizes that it takes offense to win games. After all, if you don't score any points, you can't win! I don't think the guy is stupid! There are only 32 NFL GM's in the world, and they don't get there by being dumb! (Well.......except Matt Millen!)LOL!