Really would like to keep activity high here....


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
There's always politics. Against forum rules, I know. But add a political section and I bet it would get some activity. Wouldn't be friendly, but I bet it would get activity.

I've seen two good forums go south in a big hurry. The venom bled into the regular forums.

This would be the route to take this forum down as well.

One of my degrees is in political science. Extensive study in the working moving pieces of politics - not governing, politics. Over the years, I've come to the conclusion that everyone has an opinion on everything. 9 times out of 10, they have no idea what they're talking about.

I would avoid that forum like a bad case of the crabs.


Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland
This is where things get a bit muddled.

It is true that water polo was once called "Football-On-The-Water but that was too long of a name and dangerous to boot due to the risk of drowning. It did not become Handball, although it must be considered that the name was already taken by a different kind of ball-centric sporting event which is the issue here as well.

Then there's regular polo. It is definitely not called Malletball-Played-By-Rich-Guys-On-Horseback, though it could be.

And hockey, another sport whose all-to-familiar theme is to launch an object into a net, is not referred to as Stickpuck-On-Ice even though it would so qualify.

Lacrosse, another run around and get the ball in the net sport is not called Longstickball or Stickball for short. The latter actually a game popularized on the streets of New York and other eastern US cities. This game more closely resembles baseball than cricket, the actual sport that morphed into baseball in function and name within the western hemisphere, at least initially. Plagiarizing that name would also have caused confusion if there had been American cricket to go along with the rest of the world's cricket. Besides, we already had Buddy Holly and the Crickets over here beginning well over half a century ago and they utilized musical instruments, not sporting props -- although that's not to say that even more confusion and debate would not have ensued if an unprecedented THREE distinctly different disciplines used the common name of cricket. No doubt it would have.

That brings us to which fans should call their particular sports "football." Let's ponder this for a moment. Football, aka soccer in the USA, indeed exclusively uses feet to propel a ball towards a net except for cheating purposes and also by the goalies and refs who can use their hands, too. And it's not called Feetball either although that would be the more appropriately descriptive name of the two because it requires pedal ambidexterity. It could be subtitled as Headball-Once-In-A-While or even Athletes-In-Short-Shorts-Who-Get-Wildly-Indignant-Whenever-A-Piece-Of-Paper-Is-Thrust-In-Their-Faceball. Way too verbose. No argument from me there. Like it or not, let's also keep in mind that no other sport shares the name soccer, so it would be exclusive to the sport. Football or Soccer? At least either would conveniently distill it all down to just a single immediately recognizable name. Like Beyonce, Elvis, or Pele.

As for the American version of football, the much too verbose Chuck, Run, and/or Catch-An-Oblong-Pointyended-Laced-Object-Over-A-Goaline-Or-Close-To-It-Then-Kick-It-Through-Upright-Pipes-For-Good-Measure pretty much describes the sport by its name alone. Since the punctuation to a score or the score itself is done with the foot. Well, you know what that comes down to calling it.

Solution: My recommendation would be to modernize the game of football (aka soccer in the USA) through changing its name to Pedosphere since that is also the surface that it is not-so-coincidentally played upon. Honk your horn if you agree.
pedosphere has sooo many conotations, especially if you take away the sphere part!

the term soccer actually comes from the original name of the sport, association football. association was shortened to soca(soccer) by the english of all people, another reason to hate them @buggybill2003 :tup:
I've always wondered why American football is called as such when the feet are used so little, I've usually imagined that maybe it derived from rugby, which would have been known as rugby football


Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland
I've seen two good forums go south in a big hurry. The venom bled into the regular forums.

This would be the route to take this forum down as well.

One of my degrees is in political science. Extensive study in the working moving pieces of politics - not governing, politics. Over the years, I've come to the conclusion that everyone has an opinion on everything. 9 times out of 10, they have no idea what they're talking about.

I would avoid that forum like a bad case of the crabs.
completely agree that politics, and religion have their time and place to be discussed, I don't think a sports forum is such a place

I asked LT to delete my acct

pedosphere has sooo many conotations, especially if you take away the sphere part!

the term soccer actually comes from the original name of the sport, association football. association was shortened to soca(soccer) by the english of all people, another reason to hate them @buggybill2003 :tup:
I've always wondered why American football is called as such when the feet are used so little, I've usually imagined that maybe it derived from rugby, which would have been known as rugby football Scots find ANY excuse to hate us English.....:laugh:


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
You UK'ers argue in such a civilized manner. "That's pish"???? Americans go right after each others' mommas. :roflmao:

I asked LT to delete my acct

You UK'ers argue in such a civilized manner. "That's pish"???? Americans go right after each others' mommas. :roflmao:

I'd usually call him out for pistols at dawn but the virus has left us short of bullets.


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
but really, there is going to have to be a focused effort by someone, who's job it is to bring traffic to it to post stuff that is going to start conversation.

If there's not activity to start with, people aren't going to come to it and most of us are here for football to begin with, we're not going to start it.

But it has to be legitimate stuff. For example, i'm new to boating and am re-finishing seats as a project. Like everything i go find a forum and look for tips, examples, knowledge etc. looking for a boating forums, Found lots with zero activity, so I didn't even go look. Found one with a ton of activity. hundreds and hundreds of posts per day. Mostly all ********. A boating forum, but everything was about women, pit bulls and politics. oh, and flu vaccines LOL. Tons of activity, 2% of it relevant. So I didn't stay long.

It's a fine balance for certain, but you're going to have to 'build it" so to speak and draw some new people here and keep it active enough until the new crowd can keep it going and they attract conversation themselves.

El Guapo

Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
Land 'O Lakes
iboats dude. iboats....

What kind of boat? You are reupholstering the seats? Sounds like fun. I'm rehabbing a 1960 Johnson motor this winter. Mostly done at this point, just need to finish with a new impeller.

How about an outdoors forum for Packers fans? Many of us live in the midwest so outdoor interests abound...


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
iboats dude. iboats....

What kind of boat? You are reupholstering the seats? Sounds like fun. I'm rehabbing a 1960 Johnson motor this winter. Mostly done at this point, just need to finish with a new impeller.

How about an outdoors forum for Packers fans? Many of us live in the midwest so outdoor interests abound...
i just joined there about a week or so ago :) that's not the one I was talking about though.

we bought a used pontoon last year, mostly for the docking spot on the wolf river. Got in on a boat and price that if we don't use a lot, can just get out. But needed some work on seats, otherwise really nice shape. If we use it like we ended last year with, the plan is to upgrade end of year or next summer with a nice tritoon with 150-200 on the back.

Seats are all done, just finished last weekend. I ended up using a 100% silicon fabric called Sileather. Feels nice, we'll see how it holds up. Had my first taste of upholstery, wasn't too bad, but it also wasn't too fancy. No piping, or sewing. Just bench seats, stretch and staple :)


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
I think we're going to get in trouble for taking this off topic :) at least it's page 2

Sky King

Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
Out of the clear blue western skies...
In the spirit of keeping with the thread theme of sustaining activity on this site and in an attempt to keep it light and non-controversial, how about sharing some of your most memorable sports-related experiences?

Here's one:

In the very early 1970s, I treated the 6 y/o son of a friend to an event at the old Arena in Milwaukee. These were the days of Larry Costello, Lew Alcindor, the Big O, Bob Dandridge, etc. We were sitting in the very top row.

As I was soon to find out, all the young lad was really interested in was some crappy souvenir that a vendor was hawking up and down the aisles. The kid was pestering me relentlessly to buy one for him. Any chance I had to watch the game hinged upon how quickly I could shut him up. The vendor was located a section below us and I motioned for to him to bring one up to us. He shook his head and motioned for me to come down to him. I quickly learned why.

For those of you who remember the old Arena, the final flight of stairs that lead up to the nosebleed section was unusually steep. Even the vendor refused to walk up there. As I started to make my way down to him I carelessly slipped off the top step. Even before I had completed the first of many snap-rolls on the way down, I had hoped that a railing at the base of the next landing would stop me. Boy did it ever. The vendor had just enough time to move aside as I came to rest in a heap at the base of the stairs right next to him and his wares. The wallet that I had pulled out of my pocket just prior to mismanaging that first step eventually tumbled down to rejoin me.

“One, please,” I said straining to speak against the pain. Nothing seemed broken but everything felt bruised, including my dignity, or what little remained of it. Somehow I was able to again conquer that steep climb, bolstered from all the snickers, chuckles, and guffaws that accompanied me on my way back to the top.

I think the Bucks won.

El Guapo

Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
Land 'O Lakes
i just joined there about a week or so ago :) that's not the one I was talking about though.

we bought a used pontoon last year, mostly for the docking spot on the wolf river. Got in on a boat and price that if we don't use a lot, can just get out. But needed some work on seats, otherwise really nice shape. If we use it like we ended last year with, the plan is to upgrade end of year or next summer with a nice tritoon with 150-200 on the back.

Seats are all done, just finished last weekend. I ended up using a 100% silicon fabric called Sileather. Feels nice, we'll see how it holds up. Had my first taste of upholstery, wasn't too bad, but it also wasn't too fancy. No piping, or sewing. Just bench seats, stretch and staple :)
In the spirit of keeping off the thread theme...

That tri-toon will fly with that kind of power. It'll be like a fan boat cruising the bayou! Sounds like fun.

Fixing up old boats is fun but definitely a labor of love. Enjoy being on the water this summer!