This team's philosophy often seems to be something like "two birds in the bush is worth more than a bird in the hand". We're generally extremely hesitant to give up (or do anything that comes at the expense of) *potential* production for *proven production*. That can manifest in a couple of different ways: A.) drafting "projects" over "finished products"; B.) refusing to trade draft capital for proven talent; C.) Choosing to not invest in free agency for fear of stifling our "potential" or "projects"They refuse to add top tier talent to their dline .that's killing them
I mean, look no further than the countless number of fans who you see saying things like "We don't need a true #1 WR, if we added one it would probably stall the development of Watson/Wicks/Doubs/Heath/Toure/Abbrederis/Janis/etc"