You are engaging in a non-sequitur. In post #192 you quoted my post which discussed the quality of talent – or more specifically the relative lack thereof - Campen has had available to work with. Your comment was “Remember Larry Beghitol (sic)?” In an attempt to point out your non-sequitur, I posted yes I remember Beightol and I remember Joe Bugel and neither of them have anything to do with the talent, or lack of talent Campen has had to work with. I could have picked anyone or anything to make the point that like Beightol, he or it had nothing to do with the talent available to Campen. But to address your question, yes Bugel was comparable to Beightol because both coached OL in the NFL. Not only that but Bugel coached the “Hogs” of the Washington Redskins, an OL unit which was very instrumental in two Super Bowl victories. So to answer your question which has nothing to do with my post: Yes, in my opinion Bugel was on the same level as Beightol. No, it wouldn’t “become a fact” because the comment I was responding to was a hypothetical about the past. Neither is it a fact that if Rodgers left the Packers for some reason Thompson and McCarthy would be instantly gone. That’s your opinion, just as it was Sanguine camper’s opinion about past hypothetical events.