Sure, if your confidence he can last more than a week is very low.$1million for the season was too much?
Sure, if your confidence he can last more than a week is very low.$1million for the season was too much?
It is unfortunate, the squandered talent. I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call it "demons". He's a pot head. Pot, alcohol, nicotine, food, power, money, the smart phone--most of us have one issue or another. It just so happens he violated a rule of his employment numerous times whereas our addictions may not be treated so punatively, now including baseball players.I'm honestly incredibly worried for this young man...his internal self-destructive behavior has been around since high school and nothing he's done or been part of has seemed enough to sway him to take control of his life.
He is perhaps the best case argument against drugs/marijuana for young athletes...the stuff can self destruct even the most gifted and talented. Imagine what a clean Josh Gordon could have been...drafted in 2012, leads league in receiving yards from literally the worst 3 starting QBs of the 2013 season by many arguments....and since has had what 4 more suspensions....
I pray he figures his demons out no matter what happens football wise....I just never want to read a headline with the word death and his name until he is old and everyone forgets who he is.
As someone who has been close with numerous addicts in my life, including ones that paid with their life, I think there's pretty clearly a lot of other issues going on with Gordon that extend beyond marijuana. If he had a pot addiction and that was all we were dealing with here this might be a salvageable career and player.
He's quite probably an alcoholic and very possibly is addicted to numerous other prescription and other narcotics. This isn't a guy who just loves to smoke weed in his basement and that's it. There's a lot more going on here. He needs some serious help or being out of football will be the least of his worries before long.
That's a speculation. We do know he was also using a banned PED per this this most recent drug test. What that might be is a matter of speculation as well. It could be Adderall to shake off the buzz on game day.He's quite probably an alcoholic and very possibly is addicted to numerous other prescription and other narcotics.