Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
I'm sitting right square in the middle of the fence on this one, but after the fact. The thought crossed my mind when the Packers were down by 7 and at that time, I said to myself "no, the defense has been playing well, the offense has been moving the ball, despite no Cobb and do we want to gamble our season against the front 7+ of AZ? Had MM and the Packers been known for having a few good trick plays up their sleeves and healthy players capable of pulling them off, maybe. But even after the hail mary, I was saying "just go all in and win it"....."no wait....." I wouldn't have faulted MM had he gone for 2 and not made it, I doubt the media or some fans would have felt the same. It's easy to sit here today and be critical of not going for 2, since we know the outcome of the game. But MM knew what his team was probably most capable of at the time and he chose the safer route. Sucks to be on this end of an OT loss, but would have sucked even more not even making it to overtime.