I" not cherry picking, just putting down what first pops in my head. by most accounts there were maybe 2 cover guys that could have helped us. Both on teams I don't really watch so what do I know. The rest are known quantities and none really do anything special for me. Some could have been signed for small contracts and could be just fine.It is weak crap; the same weak crap we've been getting from this guy for 13 years now, followed by the same tired defenses of it.
Name and dollars? There's the other half of it. The same straw man. If we-I- wanted to waste the next several hours or days researching a list , we'd find that you actually can have success at the FA game- if you wisely participate in it (emphasize on 'participate'). But you cherry pick a few examples and think that's the end of it.
The thing that cracks me up, Mondio, is that we actually agree on that; you and a few others here just rabidly jump to the defense of the beloved TT. I wonder if you're actually Packer fans , or TT fans first and above all.
i just realized i've had this conversation 20 times already today. Back to topic.
No, a draft that yields a Franchise left tackle and 4 other guys worthy of week 1 Free agent contracts 5 years later can not be considered a failure, regardless of the team they play for. any draft with a franchise left tackle and 4 other players, even if they're just players is a success. If they can't be retained at a price that makes sense, you're not going to make yourself better overpaying to keep them. Especially when I think our defense is going to be better with Burnett being brought down, Hyde gone, and brice covering much more ground at safety with HaHa. that move alone, which i am expecting to see quite a bit makes me optimistic. toss in some health and some new guys we're sure to see, i think it will at least be interesting.