Breach of Contract


Nov 6, 2006
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bozz_2006 said:
i don't know how pissed mccarthy is cuz i didn't see the press conference, i was only able to read it. i DID go to the game though. i'll tell you who's ****ing pissed. THIS GUY! i didn't necessarily expect us to win, but for my $203 ticket (and my brother's, and my dad's) i expected to see us at least play hard. i aggree with mccarthy, i didn't see any quit on the field yesterday... and that's because to quit you actually have to start. the packers didn't even show up so they didn't even have the opportunity to quit. that was so disappointing.

I can imagine how you feel. While it is for you to decide whether you go to a game and at what price, what I can tell you is that as more and more fans like you say enough is enough and stop spending your hard earned money on packers tickets and packers memorabilia, thats the time you'll see things change and change in a hurry. Not just will the team show up but so also will homefield advantage reappear.

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