A.J. Dillon tests positive for COVID-19 [OP from 11/2020]

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Mar 11, 2014
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End of the day, and my last words on this. I really don’t care who gets jabbed or who doesnt. I feel bad for the people who have been sucked into the notion the the vaccine is part of some government mind control conspiracy, the 5G network or will sterilize white people. The people who peddle those and other fallicies for political or economic gain are indeed deplorable. People who won’t get a vaccine because they were told they should… well… they’re just acting like 5 year olds. People who just don’t care about helping this country or their fellow man? Well, they are what they are. The people who flaunt or whine about the terrible horrible onerous burden of wearing masks in crowded places, I’m glad you weren’t around during WWII when REAL sacrifices had to be made. Boo -friggin -hoo. Meanwhile I have NO problem with using the power WE THE PEOPLE have via our elected government, (we are the government folks) to keep us as safe as possible. A lot of people have and continue to throw sand in those gears, but given Americas abundance of resources most of us will come through this pretty well. It’s sad too MANY people will suffer MORE economic and physical pain (or worse) than is necessary because of the stupidity, selfishness, hatred and gullibility if too many of us.
Aug 16, 2014
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Does the vaccine mess with the natural immunity?
From what I’ve been reading there’s a thing called hybrid immunity (the combo of both vaccine and natural immunity from having the real thing). That group is an ongoing study, but they left the least impression of the effects of known variants to date.
So we do know short term it is actually advantageous to have had both. (I’m not recommending anything just telling folks what I’ve read)

Long term you’ll likely melt into a puddle with me. But Id rather take that risk. We’re 2 years in and no one is melting quite yet.
Aug 16, 2014
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Well let me make you feel better. The 24% marginal tax bracket goes to $85K, the first $12K is tax free, so you’re making around $100K before you pay over 24% on your next dollar. Neanwhile you’ve paid far less than that on amounts as you go up through the brackets. So in order to actually lose 25% of your income to Federal tax you gotta be making I would guess north of $200K. I don’t feel like doing the math this early. You STOP paying SS/Medicare tax at some point ($120-ish?) That SHOULD have you doing better than just scraping along. Taxes are at historic lows. In 2019 I made $486K, I paid $83K in federal taxes taking the standard deduction (ouch!). That’s 17%. Paid no SS/Medicare tax, we have no state tax. I do pay hefty sales tax but I only pay that on the money I pay in state and many items are exrmpted. That might seem like I get off pretty easy (and imo I do) but a lot of people making far far far more than I do pay far far less or nothing at all. Meanwhile a certain political party I used to be an active member of is duping folks into thinking the tax problem is poor people and immigrants, and the solution is lowering taxes on the wealthy. As long as you keep believing that, you’ll keep paying more than your fair share but… whatever
SS tax was raised to 142K threshold in 2021. Just remember because I was thinking it was 110K range.
Dillon has surpassed that after his first game. :roflmao:


May 12, 2014
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Secondly, you may or may not beware, but a ****************** is literally a place where large groups of prisoners of some particular category
The reality is that there is a strong connotation with the phrase ******************. You are using it very liberally and for effect. imo


May 12, 2014
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From what I’ve been reading there’s a thing called hybrid immunity (the combo of both vaccine and natural immunity from having the real thing).
So I guess you are saying that there is no (or an unknown) effect on natural immunity from the vaccine?
Aug 16, 2014
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So I guess you are saying that there is no (or an unknown) effect on natural immunity from the vaccine?
I’m not sure about long term. Obviously short term fears about it ruining our body’s immune system is waning. Evidence supports both together are ideal in the short term.
Not enough info to make solid statements about 30 years from now.

Anything foreign in our body has side effects. That goes for any medicines or drugs. btw, Alcohol is a drug contrary to what society tries to dole out in propaganda. Alcohol kills people in massive numbers both short term and long term. I don’t see any people getting all worked up about it. We should be appalled and marching in the town square, yet we choose a vaccine to get all worked up about. Hmmm I smell a rat. We all suddenly became experts in science and all health concerned. While we crack open a bottle of Brandy!
Dillon takes acetaminophen I’ll bet
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Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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The reality is that there is a strong connotation with the phrase ******************. You are using it very liberally and for effect. imo

Yes. On purpose. The intended effect being that such behaviors on behalf of governments are very bad. Just like when we violated the rights of thousands of Japanese citizens and stuck them in camps in the name of safety. That was terrible and unjust. So is much of what countries are doing it want to do in the name of safety from covid.


May 12, 2014
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Yes. On purpose. The intended effect being that such behaviors on behalf of governments are very bad. Just like when we violated the rights of thousands of Japanese citizens and stuck them in camps in the name of safety. That was terrible and unjust. So is much of what countries are doing it want to do in the name of safety from covid.
I just don't accept a great similarity between the Japanese situation.


May 12, 2014
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I’m not sure about long term. Obviously short term fears about it ruining our body’s immune system is waning. Evidence supports both together are ideal in the short term.
Not enough info to make solid statements about 30 years from now.

Anything foreign in our body has side effects. That goes for any medicines or drugs.
Well no. I was just asking about if the vaccine had an effect on the natural immunity one probably has from having had covid. I was not talking about the immune system.


Mar 8, 2021
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Maybe 20% are anti vax altogether but of the people who are fully vaccinated at least 50% only did it to keep their jobs because they werent wealthy enough to quit or to be able to travel internationally or even to be able to see their kids in some instances

Yeah, the poll you cited is talking about people who remain unvaccinated...thats a totally seperate thing from what im talking about which should be clear
So you are seriously saying that less than half of the people vaccinated did not do it by their own choice? Where did you get those numbers from? Asking for a friend.


Dec 20, 2014
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I just don't accept a great similarity between the Japanese situation.
you're probably right, it's much closer to the camps in Germany. They were cleaning communities of the "eternal jew". The disease infested and money stealing jew. They were the reason Germany was in its plight. They were the cause of their economic woes and physical health. They didn't just end up in death camps. It started with conditioning everyone to think they were unhealthy, full of disease, and also crafty with other people's money. Then came special marks, then the segregation, then the internment camps, then the death camps.

Since Delta has been the main strain, I'll have to use MN's numbers as WI doesn't give us access too raw data, only their adjusted data that they are constantly changing anyway with big swings of thousands added or subtracted on any given day it's been difficult to follow breakthru stuff.

But since Delta, MN does a better job in reporting and since August 1st Vaccinated there have been 40% of cases (just under) 30% of hospitalizations and 40% of the deaths.

is there protection? of course and mostly to the user. Is it drastic? maybe 30 days after finishing the 2 shot regime. 6 months later? Certainly nowhere near enough of a difference to even consider segregating people at this point.

anyway, we interned the Japanese Americans because we thought they might sabotage the cities on the west coast for an invasion. I guess our reasons were slightly different. We didn't view them as diseased, dirty, and the reason a barrel of marks couldn't buy you a loaf of bread like the guys across the other ocean.
Aug 16, 2014
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Well no. I was just asking about if the vaccine had an effect on the natural immunity one probably has from having had covid. I was not talking about the immune system.
I gotcha. Well we know as we age we lose our ability to naturally fight off infections gradually (decreased natural immunity) So it obviously must have some adverse effect on those with rock solid natural immunity.
How much? It’s minimal short term. If not so, people would be dropping dead left n right from other viruses. It’s not happening yet. We’re 2 years in now so that’s really positive news.
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May 12, 2014
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you're probably right, it's much closer to the camps in Germany. They were cleaning communities of the "eternal jew". The disease infested and money stealing jew. They were the reason Germany was in its plight. They were the cause of their economic woes and physical health. They didn't just end up in death camps. It started with conditioning everyone to think they were unhealthy, full of disease, and also crafty with other people's money. Then came special marks, then the segregation, then the internment camps, then the death camps.

Since Delta has been the main strain, I'll have to use MN's numbers as WI doesn't give us access too raw data, only their adjusted data that they are constantly changing anyway with big swings of thousands added or subtracted on any given day it's been difficult to follow breakthru stuff.

But since Delta, MN does a better job in reporting and since August 1st Vaccinated there have been 40% of cases (just under) 30% of hospitalizations and 40% of the deaths.

is there protection? of course and mostly to the user. Is it drastic? maybe 30 days after finishing the 2 shot regime. 6 months later? Certainly nowhere near enough of a difference to even consider segregating people at this point.

anyway, we interned the Japanese Americans because we thought they might sabotage the cities on the west coast for an invasion. I guess our reasons were slightly different. We didn't view them as diseased, dirty, and the reason a barrel of marks couldn't buy you a loaf of bread like the guys across the other ocean.
Slippery slope huh?


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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I just don't accept a great similarity between the Japanese situation.

Listen, if someone gets more upset because I used the word "concentration" (again-- fits the definition) than about the fact that people are being forced into camps against their will because of a positive covid test, I don't think the issue is really my terminology. The issue is a fervent desire to defend whatever a country does in the name of "safety," even what those actions are clearly unjust and tyrannical.


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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Slippery slope huh?

If you're fine with governments violating the constitution in the name of one thing you might happen to like, you should understand that the precedent now exists for them to violate the constitution in the name of lots of things you don't like.

You don't have to believe that Australia's slope ends in **** style death camps (I don't) in order to believe that what they're doing is dangerous precedent for the liberty of their citizens.


I take offense to that sir.
Nov 10, 2020
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If you're fine with governments violating the constitution in the name of one thing you might happen to like, you should understand that the precedent now exists for them to violate the constitution in the name of lots of things you don't like.

You don't have to believe that Australia's slope ends in **** style death camps (I don't) in order to believe that what they're doing is dangerous precedent for the liberty of their citizens.
I'm kind of over the vaccination conversations, so this will be my last comment on it. I agree with this. I am fully vaccinated and plan on getting the booster. However, I'm not in favor of making it mandatory. This is major government overreach and don't get me start on using OSHA as a vehicle to accomplish this goal. I live in America, which is supposed to be the land of the free with small government principles. That's all I have to say about that.
Aug 16, 2014
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Not one person I know likes arguing about vaccines.

Not one person I know enjoys taking taking vaccines (or masking)

Not 1 person I know doesn’t want this virus to be 100% eradicated.

Not 1 person I know has NOT been adversely affected in some form or another by this craziness.

Not 1 person I know has all the correct answers or even knows the correct questions

Everyone I know is in the same boat. We might argue and differ in opinions, but we all share in the same viral misery. We might say we care or don’t care.. but both are just attempts at feeling better about something we have very little to zero control.

Meanwhile while we’re arguing amongst ourselves. I can’t help but thinking the Devil must just be snickering into his sleeve. He really put a number on us and he’s getting exactly what he set out for. Dividing people and creating stress and lying is his name (my Lord called him the Father of Lies). Making people think he doesn’t exist is his primary tactic. Discouragement is his primary weapon of choice. Well today Don’t fall for his trickery!

God loves every one of us and came for ALL of us. He said he knew the count of the hairs on our head! (For some thats a bigger miracle than others! :roflmao:)I don’t even know how many hairs I have left!

I’m sure glad I have Packer Brothers n Sisters to bicker with! I thank God everyday for people like @buggybill2003 @AKCheese and @Pokerbrat2000 and @Poppa San and @Pkrjones @JK64 @others! @captainWIMM @mypackerfam. I begged God today to do a wonderful sign of his love for us. Something so good we surely know it couldn’t have been us! There are lots of good, good people in here that simply want the same thing. Peace, Love, healing, compassion, grace, hope, maybe a Packer Victory any given Sunday!

Let us remember how lucky we each are on the 80th anniversary of the start of WWII. Boy did we come together and kick some Royal Nazzi* &@$*+!!!

Happy Pearl Harbor Day Packer family!
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Mar 11, 2014
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I just don't accept a great similarity between the Japanese situation.
Well for one thing the Japanese here in America were interred indefinitely for no reason. Looks like the sick people in Australia are being put in medical treatment/quarantine until they are no longer sick/infectious. And then there’s the whole… it’s Australia… not here. Just making observations…. Not going to opine on the ridiculous LOL


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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Well for one thing the Japanese here in America were interred indefinitely for no reason. Looks like the sick people in Australia are being put in medical treatment/quarantine until they are no longer sick/infectious. And then there’s the whole… it’s Australia… not here. Just making observations…. Not going to opine on the ridiculous LOL

They were unjustly imprisoned in total violation of their constitutional rights because they were deemed a danger to the rest of society. So their rights were set aside to make sure everyone else felt safe. And when the war ended and they weren't considered threats, they were released.

This is very similar to what's going on in Australia, just on a shorter time frame. Covid positive people are being unjustly imprisoned because they're deemed a danger and so their rights are being set aside to make everyone else feel safe.

It's also hilarious to me that you didn't even know this was happening, but you seem totally sure that it's all good and above board. In fact, people who bring it up as a problem should be mocked! Because when covid hysteria is your religion, you don't ask questions or think critically.


May 12, 2014
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about the fact that people are being forced into camps against their will because of a positive covid test,
where does this happen?
For instance, if you were in prison and had a negative test; you would probably want your cellmate, who had a positive test, to be herded up with other positives or isolated. At least, I doubt you would want him staying with you.
But where does this happen to an American citizen? Outside of prison...I hope.


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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where does this happen?
For instance, if you were in prison and had a negative test; you would probably want your cellmate, who had a positive test, to be herded up with other positives or isolated. At least, I doubt you would want him staying with you.
But where does this happen to an American citizen? Outside of prison...I hope.

We’re talking about Australia.


Mar 11, 2014
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They were unjustly imprisoned in total violation of their constitutional rights because they were deemed a danger to the rest of society. So their rights were set aside to make sure everyone else felt safe. And when the war ended and they weren't considered threats, they were released.

This is very similar to what's going on in Australia, just on a shorter time frame. Covid positive people are being unjustly imprisoned because they're deemed a danger and so their rights are being set aside to make everyone else feel safe.

It's also hilarious to me that you didn't even know this was happening, but you seem totally sure that it's all good and above board. In fact, people who bring it up as a problem should be mocked! Because when covid hysteria is your religion, you don't ask questions or think critically.


Mar 11, 2014
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Dude I’m retired. I’m a pretty busy guy. I don’t have time to investigate the ins and outs or veracity of your Australia scoop, or the way you’re twisting it (or not.) The mere fact that you have to go to Australia to find something to complain about, gives me a good deal of comfort. FREE AUSTRALIA!!!!


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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Dude I’m retired. I’m a pretty busy guy. I don’t have time to investigate the ins and outs or veracity of your Australia scoop, or the way you’re twisting it (or not.) The mere fact that you have to go to Australia to find something to complain about, gives me a good deal of comfort. FREE AUSTRALIA!!!!

I don’t blame anyone for not knowing about this story or that. What I said was that it’s hilarious that, without knowing about it, you automatically dismiss it and mock because it doesn’t fit your agenda.

I’ve also cited examples closer to home. But you dismiss those too. Apparently no cost is too high for another .001% gain.


Mar 11, 2014
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I don’t blame anyone for not knowing about this story or that. What I said was that it’s hilarious that, without knowing about it, you automatically dismiss it and mock because it doesn’t fit your agenda.

I’ve also cited examples closer to home. But you dismiss those too. Apparently no cost is too high for another .001% gain.
Sorry man I don’t read most of your crap. I just don’t have time for idiocy (or poor math). FREE AUSTRALIA!!
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