What made you a Packers fan?

Nguyen Anh Tuan

Nov 11, 2015
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My mom was born and raised in Green Bay so all of that side of the family lives there. I grew up in Iowa but remember early on from my childhood going up there and seeing practices and going to the stadium. Watching the games from my grandparents house with all the relatives there, especially when they would play the Lions on Thanksgiving. Great memories. I was born with it in my blood to be a Packer fan.
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Oct 7, 2015
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I always enjoyed watching NFL but it wasn't until I was in my 3rd year at University that I chose a team. At the time, I lived with a Ravens fan, a Steelers fan and a Bears fan.

Naturally I couldn't choose any of those teams. I did some research and liked the history, fan loyalty and style of the Packers and chose them. That year, after buying my first jersey, and a solid playoffs run, won the superbowl.

Next month I make my first pilgrimage from the UK to Lambeau field and I can't wait to soak up the atmosphere and meet some fellow packers fans.


Nov 15, 2015
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My earliest memory of watching pro football on Sundays was in 1965 as a 5 year old watching and learning from my Dad. I had been to high school games but this was special, watching on the old and small black and white TV with rabbit ears. I am born and raised in the North Carolina mountains. So many of my relatives were Washington Redskins fans or Baltimore Colts fans. For a long time they were the closest NFL teams to us. When Atlanta came along many here pulled for them since they were only a few hours away. Nevertheless, I chose the Packers and have never wavered. There have been some lean years and there were few of us in junior high and high school who were admitted Packer fans. We took grief and gave it right back. There are four of us who were classmates, and although scattered now somewhat, we keep in touch. I will not pull for the Carolina Panthers! I could not go this time but when the Packers and Brett Favre played at Carolina in 2005? (has it been ten years?) I was there with my youngest son (who I got out of school that day to go with me). We had on Packer's jerseys and hats and were loud and proud. I am proud to be a NC Packer fan....Now for 50 years and still going!


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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My earliest memory of watching pro football on Sundays was in 1965 as a 5 year old watching and learning from my Dad. I had been to high school games but this was special, watching on the old and small black and white TV with rabbit ears. I am born and raised in the North Carolina mountains. So many of my relatives were Washington Redskins fans or Baltimore Colts fans. For a long time they were the closest NFL teams to us. When Atlanta came along many here pulled for them since they were only a few hours away. Nevertheless, I chose the Packers and have never wavered. There have been some lean years and there were few of us in junior high and high school who were admitted Packer fans. We took grief and gave it right back. There are four of us who were classmates, and although scattered now somewhat, we keep in touch. I will not pull for the Carolina Panthers! I could not go this time but when the Packers and Brett Favre played at Carolina in 2005? (has it been ten years?) I was there with my youngest son (who I got out of school that day to go with me). We had on Packer's jerseys and hats and were loud and proud. I am proud to be a NC Packer fan....Now for 50 years and still going!

Aug 16, 2014
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I had the West side of the state of WI covered.. I single handedly guarded my post on 3rd street in Lacrosse from Vikings infiltrators through the 1980's... All the while holding a can of Old Style in the other... I also never spilled ;)


Nov 18, 2015
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My dad has always been a Packer fan, yet never stepped foot in Wisconsin. Same with myself. He was a very traditional man and loved the spirit and tradition in Green Bay. Always told me that the class and character of the team, organization and fans was what drew him in. His #1 bucket list item was to visit Lambeau field, however he passed away this past July. He raised me as a Packer fan (however I must admit I liked John Kasey of the Panthers when I was younger as an inspiring placekicker/punter and my mom took that as I liked the Panthers and painted my room blue with a Panther flag, never liked the team and really embarrassed that happened) but the only football watched in our house was Packer football and ever since I was 10 and old enough to really get into football I've been a Packer fan and the love for the team and Packernation only gets stronger with each year, win or lose.

Rick 12

Nov 23, 2015
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Delsin Rowe

Nov 28, 2015
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I grew up in a family of Eagles fans in PA. My dad kind of forced the Eagles on me when I was really young. For me, though, I was a Favre fan. Always respected the Packers. I'll never forget watching that SB vs the Patriots. Being that young, that's what really made me a fan. I still have love for Philly for my family but Green Bay is where my real allegiance is.


Dec 4, 2015
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What made you a Packers fan? Were you raised in a family that are fans? Is it because of your location? Do you personally know the players?

I went to U. of Southern Mississippi and started from there. Favre was in GB so long that it developed a very solid and still present fan base in the south Mississippi/SE Louisiana area. Plus, the Packers are just one of those teams that has a following everywhere. Before Favre, that was only Saints country. Now it is both.

I was also lucky enough to go to school in Illinois and went to see the Pack/Bears a number of times, including the MNF game the year the Bears played home games in Champaign while Soldier field was being renovated. Pack won EVERY TIME. YEA BABY!


Dec 8, 2015
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Here's a long-winded pointless bunch of words...

My first foray into cheering for Green Bay was when the Browns moved to Baltimore and became the Ravens. I didn't watch much football while there were no "Browns" but when I paid much attention I cheered for Green Bay - there was something I felt was similar about them (no offense!!! I mean it more towards the old school tradition of the Browns, not the black hole disaster they have become).

In '99 I excitedly cheered for the terrible expansion team that was (and is) the *new* Cleveland Browns. I kept on doing so for the last 15 years, with less and less excitement. I don't watch much anymore (I don't have NFL ticket and don't live in Ohio). It's been painful. I'm 33, and grew up in Ohio with the Browns just being the family team - due to location, not because my parents had grown up as fans. Sometimes I wonder...what team would I have cheered for, if I hadn't just grown up a Browns fan? What do you do when most of your memories of "cheering" have been self-deprecating jokes about the new ways your team can find to prove its incompetence?

It's very hard to continue to cheer or be at all excited about such an inept organization which shows no signs of improvement, so I decide I will cheer also for Green Bay. They are what I wish the Browns could be. I like Aaron Rodgers and his old school demeanor (including his facemask/chinstrap). I like that the team uniforms are classic and that tradition is important. I like that Lambeau Field is legendary, that it gets extremely cold and that the fans would rather sit and freeze than be in a dome watching their team play on fake grass.

Today I even took a silly quiz on foxsports.com "Which NFL team should you really be cheering for?" - it said Green Bay. I wasn't surprised.

I'm sure this comes off as a fair-weather fan looking for brighter pastures...and it's probably true. Don't judge too harshly though, just be glad the Packers don't play anything like the Browns. Be especially grateful they aren't run like the Browns.


Nov 18, 2013
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What made you a Packers fan? Were you raised in a family that are fans? Is it because of your location? Do you personally know the players?
In 8th grade, our uniform colors were the same as the packers. But the main reason was #66, Ray Nitchzke


Nov 29, 2015
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I recently joined this forum, and figured this would be as good a spot as any for my first post. Really happy to be here. It's obvious that the people on this forum understand the team, its fans, and football. You guys have a great thing going here.

Nothing made me a Packer fan, I have just always been one. I am from the homeland, having been born and raised in Milwaukee, and currently live near Los Angeles in the South Bay. My first memories of the Packers are of the 1970s Bart Starr-coached teams with Lynn ****ey, James Lofton, and Eddie Lee Ivery. Fun team to watch, but was never really better than a .500 club. My first game in person was the 1982 Rams game at County Stadium where the Pack came back from being down 23 at the half to win 35-23.

Our team has come a long way since those years. Two Super Bowl championships. Two hall of fame quarterbacks. 18 playoff appearances. 11 division titles.

I have been lucky enough to share some personal events with my team. In 2006, I introduced the city of Green Bay and Lambeau Field to my best friend, who is from Indianapolis. Although we lost to the Saints, it was a great weekend. He was already a Packer fan before that, but it was a helluva lot of fun to show him the experience, Wisconsin style. My first date with my wife was at Lambeau Field in 2007 against the Chargers, and we both became shareholders in 2011.

2015 has been a difficult and frustrating season (and there is plenty to say about that, but in other threads), but this is, and always will be my team.

Calvin Carolina

Dec 30, 2015
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What made you a Packers fan? Were you raised in a family that are fans? Is it because of your location? Do you personally know the players?
I do not personal know the players, I became a packer in the late 1960's when Willie Davis hit Don Mereth the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys so hard he broke his nose from that day forward I became a packer fan.


Jan 3, 2016
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I was born in Chicago and into a Bears family. Due to divorce we moved to Wausau Wisconsin when I was 8. I remember going to friends houses and watching Packer games and a friend and his dad took me along to a Packer Bear game when Bart was QB. I guess it just happened gradually. I did cheer for the 1985 bears and liked the Purple people eaters. However never when they played the Pack. 25 years ago I met my wife and she is a die hard Packer fan. After that things got SERIOUS. Packer parties and if we were up north we would watch the game at a bar or listen to Max and Jim while driving through the woods or on the water or ice. Neither of us has missed a game since then. GO PACK!

Tom A

Jan 12, 2016
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Hello to my fellow Packers fans. First time post here. My story about how I became a Packers fan is simple yet funny in its simplicity and reason why. When I was about eight or nine years old in 1970, I lived in the Chicago suburbs. I was just starting to pay attention to football. My new best friend told me that he was a Packers fan...so, I became a Packers fan too. Just like that. And here it is, 45-46 years later, and I am still a huge Packers fan...all because I had a friend who liked the Packers when I was just getting into football as a little kid.

Bart Starr was nearing the end of his career then, and the Packers were starting a period of mostly lousy seasons, but Mr. Starr became my favorite player and the Packers remained my favorite team through thick and thin. Little did I know that one day my family would move to Mr. Starr's hometown of Montgomery, Alabama and that I'd end up going to college at his alma mater (Roll Tide!).

I finally attended my first (and only) Packers game at Lambeau in September of 2000, when they played the Bears. I hope to get back to Lambeau sooner rather than later, especially while Aaron Rodgers is playing at a high level.

And seeing Mr. Starr standing on the turf at Lambeau with Brett Favre a few weeks ago gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. One of the best moments of my life as a sports fan.


Jan 17, 2016
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This throw. I ain't never seen anything like that either. lol

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Mar 6, 2016
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I was born and raised in Texas but Dad and his entire family is from Wisconsin. If we were watching a football game on Sunday, it was always the Packers that was on. So I guessed it just grew on me. I loved the Favre era and watching him play was amazing so it was an obvious choice to root for the Pack. That and if I ever wanted to see my inheritance from my father, I knew who to root for as well. ;)


Mar 13, 2016
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What made you a Packers fan? Were you raised in a family that are fans? Is it because of your location? Do you personally know the players?
Grew up liking the team colors and watching the likes of the early 60's team. Taylor, Starr and that great defense

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