well well well


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Lambeau Midwest
vikes93animal said:
then i have this monkey.... :shock:

Outrageous - any videos? (ouch if he says yes)

About this "tradition" --- IF, and I DO mean IF..... it is (or has) really been going on... then in this day and age "gentlemen" ( I use that loosely at this point) - wouldn' all of you "think" (work on this) that.....

someone would have a damn camcorder?

C'mon - if Dungy says it - then it's the gospel? Oh really...
His position in life doesn't grant him instant total credibility.
I'm on several boards and so far NO ONE has stepped forward - NOT EVEN VIKINGS FANS - with any actual evidence...
None that I've seen as yet... maybe you have a "secret stash" next to your maryjane pipe?

Personally, I think it may have "some" reality to it - but not like the visual Dungy laid out... by no means.... And, to boot, why all of a sudden is Dungy steppng up to defend a Team of his from so long ago - I NEVER hear him defending the Bucs which such an attitude.... curious that. I would have thought differently since he outright claims the two best places in the World to watch a football game are:
1) Lambeau Field & 2) Arrowhead Stadium.

I would infer that we could have 3 or 6 Packer fans playing a stunt versus 70,893 "other" Cheeseheads never doing that ever.... the phrase "one bad apple" comes to mind... and let's be real here Vikes, I mean 'c'mon' -- there's no purple-people-eaters out there being "eagles-vicious" to the Packers Players or the PackerBackers? Hardly! And look what the Vikings Players do when they play at Lambeau.. they "trash" the Visitor's Locker room like it's a Van Halen stay at some hotel before a gig.. that event really was low-class.

What we have here - is an ESPN attempt to gloat over a small market team getting the losing side of a game which meant the loser stays home (playoffs) - ESPN, especially the Chris Berman Show do NOT like the Packers because they go against the political correctness that only Owners should 'OWN' football teams.. NEVER the fans... if they thought otherwise, then they'd entertain conversations leading "other" fans to want to do the same as us PackerBackers have done for dozens of generations now - and I ask you this - just how many other Teams have over 60,000 people waiting in line for Season Tickets, BTW...? If you watch ESPN and count the timespan used to describe a game, the Packers 'always' get less air time - and they go out of their way to glorify whomever gets the better of the Packers... they'll rehash Jerry Jones over and over... but the Packers? Sorry, we have to go to commercial... the BIAS is very telling.

Ever since the first time, the Press asked Brett if he thought he was gonna retire... ESPN has been on this bandwagon and promoting it with great ferocity and they willl not stop until Brett steps down... How many years has it been now? How could such a great QB "waste" his life with the Packers? He should have left to go the Niners or somewhere else.... Do you ever see them harping on Testeverde? No! What about any of the other "over 35" players in the NFL - Jerry Rice, and so on - they don't even go there... hardly at all... but with Brett it's a constant barrage every year - "Damn, aren't you gonna retire, for god's sake?" Over & Over all the friggin' time.

You do the math - ESPN consistently thinks they're in charge of what we, the fans, should be thinking on all counts of sports, (brainwashing / indoctrination) ..especially when it comes to NFL football. Personally, I never waste energy on the Chris Berman show any more - why bother - it's really NOT all that great to begin with.... "Pardon the Interruption" (PTI) is waaaay better and tons more honest.... along with what Ron Jaworski points out... there's no need for Chris Berman OR that ID-10-T "Tom Jackson" -- both of those guys are PR nuts, NOT reporters... they're more worried about who's hangin in the locker room with them than they are about real sports reporting... I don't like Cris Collinsworth all that much, but I'd put him in that Chair - straight away!

Prime example?

"Donovan McNabb is just as good, if not better, than Brettt Favre" - Tom Jackson

Hardly - we saw that in the playoffs... "My ribs hurt Coach, take me out okay?"
McNabb's no IRONMAN - he's a chunkysoup commercial waitin to be aired. How many straight starts in NFL games has he had? Nah, he's no Brett Favre, only wishes he could be.

Okay I've "vented" a few... SO WHERE'S THE VIDEO, VIKES? HUH?
You point it out and we'll discuss it further... otherwise, even DUNGY's word is suspect and needs to step up with proof.

Oh, one more thing....

IF you like ESPN, that's your business and I don't judge "you" over it -
this is just.... IMHO!


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
vikes93animal said:
for weeds
i dont know what tree you fell out of but i could care less what YOU think of moss, me, or anything else viking.
its my job to defend randy. and i wasnt really defending him, i was pointing out the fact of the pack fans being so ******* moss when it had underlying circumstances. it jsut wasnt out of the blue. and if you dont believe that pack fans moon the bus. you have to be the only jack on the planet by now. DO YOU HAVE A TELEVISION SET? and if you do, do you turn it on? its the cable, satellite era...get with the program chief.
moss may be the first thing someone outside viking nation thinks of but its not the only thing. if that is the only thing YOU think of you are pathetic as a fan of football.

so what do you want to do there eagles fan? let him go so you can get him. i herd that u need a WR. or two or three.

this was a rubber ball conversation jack. you bounced in, you can bounce out!!!!
i have been on this site only a short time and like the fans here and i could really show you how to degrade someone with or without crayons. but i would like to stay here. so go crawl back under that rock that is in the basement of your mom's home. and take a shower. YOU STINK!! :roll:
and regard to the beatin that we are supposed to get, and if you really are a pack fan, vikes beat the pack! NEWFLASH---- VIKINGS 31 PACK 17. did you hear about that one?????

Ohhhh... now lighten up, son. I've bounced back in, round head. You lay down the same muck and grime that ALL VIKE fans lay down when anyone speaks the truth of your boy. Moss' true character is once again laid bare with his "gas pump interview". Next time, he'll wiggle his schwantz?? The guy is so worthy of anyone's defense.

Incidentally Vike fan, I'm aware of what the score ended up being last week. What does that have to do with the beating you're going to take on Sunday in Philly? I've seen some lame-*** attempted smack in my time ... but yours is really tired. I look forward to your giving me lessons in how to degrade someone without the use of crayons...I'm assuming you've graduated to non-permanent ink marking pens. Next step, you can move up to finger paints.

Sad part is??? The Vikes used to be such a class organization. Tinglehoff, Krause, Bill Brown, Page ... of course, you probably weren't born yet and have no first-hand recollection ... it's sad to see what this once first-class organization has become.


Dec 20, 2004
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buckeye central
Outrageous - any videos? (ouch if he says yes)
no, its the jerky boys if you have heard of them. like crank yankers. i dont watch that but it was a few years back for jerkies. some funny stuff.

do i think moss is a problem. not a big one.
and how much class does it show to make fun of a player while he is hurt. the tuba player incident. the pack have had their share of player nightmares. and you jest about the air time from espn. you are preaching to the choir there. espnnews is not nfl prime time. i dont think i have ever seen berman on unless they are showing two minute drill or something.
it just seems that farve is being picked on. you just dont suck up the other news or u r too busy steaming at what they just said. dont u think a HOF'er like favre would gather more attention. the all important position is QB and vinny hasnt won anything why would they talk about him all of the time. and if "I" remember correctly for years that is all that we vikings fans have seen are packer highlights. over and over. i was so sick of the one farve running around the field holding his lil helmet. :roll:

and whats with the pti ref? thta stupid kornheiser kills me with his get ups. i do like their points and i dont understand that if they have the donovan F mcnabb thing going why dont u hate them as much as u do boomer and tj? they go on and on about him.
hardly a mention of daunte, and if they do mention him alot, i have missed it.
i think daunte is better than mcnabb. i think that daunte is better than favre, right now. will he be as good as favre over his whole career? dunno that. but he is sure on his way and has really matured this year. lets hope he has a few of those horseshoes that ol farver beans pulled out his butt many times.
for the record i really dont care what happens at lamboo and the hump or anywhere else. i am not a season ticket holder anywhere, so my opinion means diddly. and i think it is damn funny that the fans get out there and moon the bus. if indeed that is what happens. there ya happy. you broke me down and made me say "if".
i dont believe any thing i hear and only half of what i see!!!! :lol: :shock:


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Lambeau Midwest
I'll be onboard with giving Duante his cudos if he can do more 'n' sniff the playoffs...
Granted he made it past the pack - first time?....

Sad to say - but I don't have real cable TV right now - cleaning up a situaiton at the moment... so, listening to cable sports is limited - personally, I like the way Boomer calls the Sunday nite games.... waaay better than John Madden to be sure...

You're right, they don't give Culpepper his due... always concentrating more out east all the time. At this single point in time, this is Duante's chance to step up and be counted. While you guys did win the game, he didn't come in the top five listed QB's and excellence in the first round of the playoffs.. Go back and look.

Moving on - if he steps on and slams McNabb to the ground... then the Sports crowd will have no choice other than to start bringing him up in the tabloids.. Can he handle it? We'll see -- like I posted on other threads - I hope the Vikings slam the Eagles ....but good.

I got no beef with Andy Reid - good Coach - but those Eagles fans are some of the worst the NFL has ever created and they suck to high heaven... So, I'll put my money on Duante to show the NFC East what the NFC Nort' has up its sleeve... high time, I say.

I don't see the disparity of Vinny NOT winning anything so therefore he gets a free pass on playing past the age of 35.... that's unbalanced - they don't harp on Rice & others, either... I think you missed that one....

At any rate - it looks like we agree on several levels... especially about Culpepper.
Let's just see him represent our Division well - he does that and I'll be glad to see the NFC Nort' going to the NFC Championship game - which as Cheeseheads, we all would rather see our Team attending. At least our Division is in there over several others despite what pundits may say.

We should move over to the Playoff thread and match players against each other and who wins out in each position....

That "if" word make your tongue curl up - did it? :roll:

Make sure you stop by and post who you think will win this weekend.


Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
buckeye central
"gas pump interview".
what do you expect from a hick from RAND, WVA? ? do you even know where WVA is located?
do you know what RAND WVA is famous for?
do you rounderhead ever, i mean ever, speak in this locker room tongue? i would guess you would NEVER make fun of anything or anyone at anytime? i guess that YOU have never said anything that would make everyone :roll:

my guess that you would be comic relief guy, no wait, schwantz, no you are the other guy. no wait. like i said who cares!!
The Vikes used to be such a class organization.
i scoff at your viewpoint.
one bad apple dont spoil the whole bunch
bobby bryant, jim finks, dave osborne, bob lurtsema, doug sutherland, sammie white, gene washington? yea. steve jordan, stu voight. do i need to go on about old school. i was but a kid then but i still remember.
you need to buff out that head a little more


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Lambeau Midwest
RFLMAO --- outstanding comeback.... if you're gonna talk smack - then do it right I say.

Could ya get one of those at Menards, or Lowes?


Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
buckeye central
IPBprez said:
RFLMAO --- outstanding comeback.... if you're gonna talk smack - then do it right I say.

Could ya get one of those at Menards, or Lowes?

at sears. 29.95. with two bonnets!!! works good on your car and boat too!!
i have my moments
mostly in the morning
have read so much and said so much mindless drivel myself that it becomes a wash by late afternoon.

and no predictions from me!!!!
i predict a good game with an outcome that i will either jump for joy or do more of the same that i have done for 35 years as a vikes fan. hope. for NEXT year of course. please some one please have pity on us poor viking fans, we have endured so much backbreaking pain. omg, please!!!
i know, falling on deaf ears here!!
what else could a pack fan do if they cant win it all? wish for the vikings to be in the same stinkin boat as they(you) are.


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
IPBprez said:
RFLMAO --- outstanding comeback.... if you're gonna talk smack - then do it right I say.

You think so?? Hmmm ... interesting. I haven't seen such worthless smack since the old Jim Rome forum was up and running - we called it Inviso-Smack... LMAO!! Nice try kids.


Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
going back to bringing up favre's retirement...i watched his press conf then i watched espn and i don't think we saw the same thing. espn acted like favre had all but hung them up. and when it comes to old *** jerry rice and his lack of game, they say they hope he doesn't retire. what gives?

daunte might get the credit he deserved if his ******* teammates wasn't always making everything about him.

and don't bring up jim "curtis martin has to thank me for his rushing title" rome. the guy is a complete waste.


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
Yes... he is...Rome that is.

Culpepper, in my opinion, is a consumate professional. The guy can just flat-out play ball.


Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
buckeye central
bringing up favre's retirement
now that i watched that again i will agree with you on the fact that they have written him off. maybe they know something we dont. as any player of favres caliber it wont be easy for him to let go.


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
vikes93animal said:


Get what? I noted a whole lot of verbal ************ a few posts back ... but I didn't feel like drilling a hole in my head and having half of my brain sucked out so that I could make any sense out of your blathering.


Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
buckeye central
u didnt get all that inviso-smack "in between the lines"?

and if i were you i would quit drilling holes in my head. the zombies might rise again!!!! i am sure that you have been smacked to hell and beyond, you speak of it with such fervor!!!


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
vikes93animal said:
u didnt get all that inviso-smack "in between the lines"?
and if i were you i would quit drilling holes in my head. the zombies might rise again!!!! i am sure that you have been smacked to hell and beyond, you speak of it with such fervor!!!

One of the first rules of "insignificant smack" is to declare victory by saying "[handle goes here] ... I smacked him to hell and beyond..." and then said quasi-smacker goes back to stroking himself indecently at the Animal Planet web page. I certainly hope you have a jar of hand cream and a roll of paper towels there with ya sweetie pie... aren't you special.

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You must be logged in to see this image or video!


Dec 20, 2004
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buckeye central
stroking himself indecently

you seem to speak of this alot.
i thought that i have heard the last of shiney head.
put your glasses back on and get some game the one u play on reality tv is milquetoast as best.
back to sleep monkey boy


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
vikes93animal said:
you seem to speak of this alot.
i thought that i have heard the last of shiney head.
put your glasses back on and get some game the one u play on reality tv is milquetoast as best.
back to sleep monkey boy

Mom and Dad haven't revoked your internet privleges yet? Back to Playstation with you, boy.


Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
buckeye central
Mom and Dad haven't revoked your internet privleges yet? Back to Playstation with you, boy.
i have never picked up ps2. but that is what U think, so U must be the one that plays the silly game, and play with all your little 4th grade friends. whats the matter, no reply to monkey boy or put on your glasses nerd, or your tv show? i think u should try some crazy get ups. it might help your game. :puke: nw


Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
buckeye central
Hey animal, good game today!
well sandinmyshorts,

i expected more from a lady. and my comment to you was BEFORE the game. and you should have thought that was funny, and had a good comeback, but you must not be old enough dear to understand. so i will save the harsh tongue for someone that can take it. :roll:
:puke: in the back of your moms mini van!!!!!! after eating pizza. yummy.
faaa ffaaaa ahhhhh hhhhhh VVVVVVVVVREE
bless me

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