While I agree the refs missed some calls (but what game don't they?), they missed calls both ways. There were times when they swallowed their whistles on PI calls against the Jags too. As long as they are consistent, it works its way out in the end (usually). I for one wish more refs would swallow the whistle for PI, unless its super obvious. Seems like most of the time there is an equal amount of hand fighting and jockeying for position and 99% of the time its called PI on the defense.
The one call I wish they would get right and yes I know it favors Rodgers and the Packers, is the damn off sides on the Defense when the DL jumps, gets back and doesn't actually cause the OL to flinch. Yesterday, it seemed like Taylor could have had eaten a sandwich by the time he reacted to a DL jump and he still got the refs to flag the Jag for offsides.