The Favre watch keeps on ticking and ticking

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Sep 21, 2005
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :cheerleader: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


Jan 18, 2007
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Im so tired of people commenting on brett holding the team hostage....yes he prolly did wait to long last year to announce it, but in reality what did it affect??????????? Nothing we still took AJ Hawk with the first pick....What will it affect if he does it again? Absolutely nothing no matter what, the franchise is still gonna let aaron rodgers take the rains for a while after brett is through....Why does it matter so much????????????Geez he's the only chance we have of winning anyway, I could careless if he waited through preseason.....I'm not too excited about him leaving and us having to rebuild and goin 0-16.....Who cares? Its better for everyone if he stays..



Dec 8, 2005
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Gulf Shores, Al
I guess if making a committment to get the cap under control and actually maximizing the use of the draft is considered "rebuilding" than whatever.

Like it was TT's fault the cap was screwed and we had no up and coming young talent on the team when he got here.

I'm sure that when the Packers Front Office hired TT they said "keep this going in the same direction cause we're happy where it's going". "We just did this because we thought maybe Mike was getting a little tired".

The fact is if the defense had gotten off it's *** earlier like it should have and played like it was planned for we would have made the playoffs and nobody would be talking about a "rebuilding" plan.

That was TT's "plan". The defense just didn't come thru until it was too late.


Jun 6, 2005
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warhawk said:
Yeah. I'm just talking about now. Why worry about it when the first moves we can make aren't until the beginning of March?

What would the Packers do tomorrow if Brett announced a decision today?

Nothing. There's nothing to do.

Let the guy play in the woods and chase his wife around the house for awhile. Geesh. We'll all know soon enough.

nobody is saying anything will be different....slow your roll, war.

He can spend all his days in a kids pool filled with jello for all i care as long as he makes his decision before FA starts, and more preferably around superbowl time which is what he said (i believe). I don't like seeing respectable people not follow their word.

You mean like when TT said that he is not "REBUILDING" the Green Bay Packers...???


Mar 11, 2006
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Title Town
P@ck66 said:
warhawk said:
Yeah. I'm just talking about now. Why worry about it when the first moves we can make aren't until the beginning of March?

What would the Packers do tomorrow if Brett announced a decision today?

Nothing. There's nothing to do.

Let the guy play in the woods and chase his wife around the house for awhile. Geesh. We'll all know soon enough.

nobody is saying anything will be different....slow your roll, war.

He can spend all his days in a kids pool filled with jello for all i care as long as he makes his decision before FA starts, and more preferably around superbowl time which is what he said (i believe). I don't like seeing respectable people not follow their word.

You mean like when TT said that he is not "REBUILDING" the Green Bay Packers...???

What does Ted Thompson saying that in the past have to do with Brett Favre retirement decision?

Not much so let's avoid a Ted Thompson vs. Brett Favre because they never end good especially with you and trom.

As for Favre. I'd like to see a decision before free agency. Couple of reasons. It will give GB instant creditability. Free Agents will look at this place as a place to play especially offensive players. It also let’s McCarthy and the Packers organization prepare for the up coming season knowing they’ll have Favre under center. We wouldn’t need to do out and find a veteran QB like Damon Huard or Jeff Garcia and we could use the money that would of went to a veteran QB on a different position. Like a nickel back or one of our various needs.


Jun 6, 2005
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P@ck66 said:
tromadz said:
warhawk said:
Yeah. I'm just talking about now. Why worry about it when the first moves we can make aren't until the beginning of March?

What would the Packers do tomorrow if Brett announced a decision today?

Nothing. There's nothing to do.

Let the guy play in the woods and chase his wife around the house for awhile. Geesh. We'll all know soon enough.

nobody is saying anything will be different....slow your roll, war.

He can spend all his days in a kids pool filled with jello for all i care as long as he makes his decision before FA starts, and more preferably around superbowl time which is what he said (i believe). I don't like seeing respectable people not follow their word.

You mean like when TT said that he is not "REBUILDING" the Green Bay Packers...???

What does Ted Thompson saying that in the past have to do with Brett Favre retirement decision?

Not much so let's avoid a Ted Thompson vs. Brett Favre because they never end good especially with you and trom.

As for Favre. I'd like to see a decision before free agency. Couple of reasons. It will give GB instant creditability. Free Agents will look at this place as a place to play especially offensive players. It also let’s McCarthy and the Packers organization prepare for the up coming season knowing they’ll have Favre under center. We wouldn’t need to do out and find a veteran QB like Damon Huard or Jeff Garcia and we could use the money that would of went to a veteran QB on a different position. Like a nickel back or one of our various needs.

Fair enough Porky....

But why should it all be put on Favre...?

Doesn't TT share some of the responsibility in this decision? Don't you think FAvre has a RIGHT to know what the direction of the team is, and the intentions of the GM..???

If TT doesn't disclose this to Favre, do you think it is fair in light of his decision making process whether to retire of stay committed to playing with the Green Bay Packer organization this year...??

It seems that for many people around here the shoulder of responsibility and blame only rests with one person.....

That doesn't seem right to me....

What is TT saying now or NOT saying now, do you know Porky..???

Does anyone know...especially the guy that all of this seems to center around?


Sep 23, 2005
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I would not worry p@ck66,

The "general" fan opinion on this subject "seems" to be changing quite a bit on this subject from last year. sure, there will be the a few of the old "Brett is holding the team hostage" people out there but the feeling I get when I go to various forums is that this attitude is not the same nor as extreme as it was last year.

It's just my opinion but I think this is due to the "obvious" lack of weapons Brett had this past year ( which has been noted by many people around the NFL including prominent NFL experts as well as the fans).

No longer are the majority of people questioning his ability but I do read more questioning of inspirational statements such as "Brett does not need carrots dangled in front of him".

Bottom Line:

If Brett comes back, I don't think we will be able to attribute much of it to the "Motivational Leadership Style" cough ...cough of our GM.


Dec 8, 2005
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Gulf Shores, Al
Brett Favre has been around long enough to know where this football team is and that the Pack is way closer to being a legitimate playoff team next year.

I highly doubt he's worried about what TT plans to do in the offseason.

"Brett, we have a few holes to address which we will, but if the young guys continue to get better, we stay healthy, the defense picks up where it left off, and you play at least as good as you did last year, we are in the playoffs."

There. I said it for TT. Are we good now?


I own a website
Dec 12, 2004
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Green Bay, WI
P@ck66 said:
warhawk said:
Yeah. I'm just talking about now. Why worry about it when the first moves we can make aren't until the beginning of March?

What would the Packers do tomorrow if Brett announced a decision today?

Nothing. There's nothing to do.

Let the guy play in the woods and chase his wife around the house for awhile. Geesh. We'll all know soon enough.

nobody is saying anything will be different....slow your roll, war.

He can spend all his days in a kids pool filled with jello for all i care as long as he makes his decision before FA starts, and more preferably around superbowl time which is what he said (i believe). I don't like seeing respectable people not follow their word.

You mean like when TT said that he is not "REBUILDING" the Green Bay Packers...???

I hear what ya saying six six, but what would that relay to the team and fans if Ted comes in with Brett has his aging QB and says 'we are rebuilding'? I think that would say 'hey we are going to suck hardcore an fizzle away Brett's last few years while we rebuild' or something negative.

I don't think you can have that menality. You have to build for the future and try to win as many games as you can in the upcoming season. I think Ted is doing that.

I know it'll be said 'look at all the rookies' ... yes LOOK at them. They are BETTER than the vets they replaced!! The team is getting YOUNGER and BETTER.

Some will also say he didn't try hard enough in FA. I tend to lean that way myself, but he did try. He went after LaVar (who said he chose the Giants so he could play the 'Skins twice, we had no chance), he went after Adam Viniteri sp? (who said he did not want to play in an uncontrolled climate) and there are others too.

This is where The Salesman GM comes in. You have to SELL your team to these players. Make joining the Packers MORE important than going against your former team, make playing for the Packers more important than playing in a dome. For LaVar, say hey the Giants are on the downslope, we are on the rise, you will get your chance to show them up when you're in the playoffs an they are at home. For Adam, say hey, screw domes, you're records will be astericked because you finished your last years in a dome. Play in Lambeau and you will get MORE respect for your great kicking ability. Sell the TEAM to the PLAYER. I think that's where Ted needs to work on his skills.


Jun 6, 2005
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I would not worry p@ck66,

The "general" fan opinion on this subject "seems" to be changing quite a bit on this subject from last year.

No longer are the majority of people questioning his ability but I do read more questioning of inspirational statements such as "Brett does not need carrots dangled in front of him".

You are right about that.
When Favre was throwing picks left and right in 2005 a lot more Packer fans were ready for him to hit the road.
Now these same fans believe that Favre can lead them to the Super Bowl in 2007.


Jun 6, 2005
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:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Right, Phil...


Jun 6, 2005
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P@ck66 said:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Right, Phil...

Just go back and look at the number of comments that suggested that Favre should retire or be traded from last season compared to this year.

Now the old QB who was a shadow of his former self is now going to lead a mediocre team to the Super Bowl because he did not throw 30 picks this time out. Suddenly all is right in Packerland since late November.

Not only will Favre just get better and better with age but he will play defense too and the Packers will stop giving up 30 points in a game on a regular basis.


Jun 6, 2005
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One more week of your crap Phil...and you will hide like a ***** when the Bears get dominated next Sunday by the Colts...thank God!


Aug 16, 2006
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Colorado Springs
P@ck66 said:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Right, Phil...

Just go back and look at the number of comments that suggested that Favre should retire or be traded from last season compared to this year.

Now the old QB who was a shadow of his former self is now going to lead a mediocre team to the Super Bowl because he did not throw 30 picks this time out. Suddenly all is right in Packerland since late November.

Not only will Favre just get better and better with age but he will play defense too and the Packers will stop giving up 30 points in a game on a regular basis.
If Rex can do it, obviously a 30+ Favre can do it.
If Rex can do it, hell, even I could do it.

And before you ramble on about how much better Chicago's D will be next year, let me hear how it will even be a shadow of it's 06 self next year with all these:

1. Lance Briggs>>>gone in FA
2. Tank Johnson>>>gone on murder/"stockpiling more weapons than 3rd-world countries" charges
3. Mike Brown>>>gone with another injury
4. Lovie Smith>>>gone to make REAL $$$ in Dallas
5. Rex>>>still the starter!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


Jun 6, 2005
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P@ck66 said:
One more week of your crap Phil...and you will hide like a ***** when the Bears get dominated next Sunday by the Colts...thank God!

That means a lot to me coming from a knowlegable and class person like yourself.
What a sad and creepy life you must live behind that monitor.


Jun 6, 2005
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pack_in_black said:
P@ck66 said:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Right, Phil...

Just go back and look at the number of comments that suggested that Favre should retire or be traded from last season compared to this year.

Now the old QB who was a shadow of his former self is now going to lead a mediocre team to the Super Bowl because he did not throw 30 picks this time out. Suddenly all is right in Packerland since late November.

Not only will Favre just get better and better with age but he will play defense too and the Packers will stop giving up 30 points in a game on a regular basis.
If Rex can do it, obviously a 30+ Favre can do it.
If Rex can do it, hell, even I could do it.

And before you ramble on about how much better Chicago's D will be next year, let me hear how it will even be a shadow of it's 06 self next year with all these:

1. Lance Briggs>>>gone in FA
2. Tank Johnson>>>gone on murder/"stockpiling more weapons than 3rd-world countries" charges
3. Mike Brown>>>gone with another injury
4. Lovie Smith>>>gone to make REAL $$$ in Dallas
5. Rex>>>still the starter!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

1. Lance Briggs will be with the Bears next year no matter what.
2. What? By the way, Tommie Harris will be back playing next to him.
3. What?
4. Lovie Smith is under contract through next year and they are already going to give him his extension.
5. Only 2 QBs are in the Super Bowl and Favre isn’t one of them.... and neither is Aaron Rodgers.


Apr 19, 2006
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Guys, there really is no **** to talk to a Bears fan at this point. Come on now, they've been much better than us for the last 2 seasons and they're in the Super Bowl. It doesn't matter if they lose 50-0 to Indy, they're still better than us right now. If you didn't notice, Rex Grossman has been surprisingly average in his 2 playoff games, and hasn't lost by himself.

Can we talk about Favre now?


Nov 25, 2005
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Guys, there really is no **** to talk to a Bears fan at this point. Come on now, they've been much better than us for the last 2 seasons and they're in the Super Bowl. It doesn't matter if they lose 50-0 to Indy, they're still better than us right now. If you didn't notice, Rex Grossman has been surprisingly average in his 2 playoff games, and hasn't lost by himself.

Can we talk about Favre now?
I think it's cause we are all in SHOCK that Rex DIDN'T blow it...........YET.
I LOVE your "surprisingly average" comment about Rex. I think you summed him up PERFECTLY!!!
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