Do you really think that these gripes would be surfacing if the Packers didn't lay eggs against the Bears, Eagles, Giants, and Vikings as well? It's not one game, it's 5. Today's performance was completely consistent with those games. It just looked worse because they were playing a better team.
I've been a supporter of TT and MM but I think these past 5 games might just be the emporer-has-no-clothes moment for one or both of those. Lots of parallels between recent Packers teams and the 2000's Indianapolis Colts. One Super Bowl win and lots of blown opportunities. When Manning went down in 2009, everyone realized that it was really a badly constructed/coached team that was kept up by the play of an amazing quarterback. To no one's surprise, both the GM and Coach didn't survive the offseason. I don't think that happens to TT and MM, but it's hard for me to really see how the Packers play without Rodgers isn't a similar indication.
The Packers played with their 4th option at QB today. No team in the league is successful having to do that.
Yes, the defense didn't play well, but the offense couldn't stay on the field to help them out.