Of course the Packers started it, otherwise Favre would have retired and taken the deal. By the way, who started it does not matter. The amount is irrelvant. And it doesn't matter that Favre was under contract to play at the time. Had he agreed to take the PR job, his playing contract would have been terminated.
Of course it could not be a signed post-play contract, "nudge, nudge". I explained why. It could only be a vague promise. But since the implication is that future non-football pay is in lieu of football pay, it would be a clear vioation of cap rules.
If the parties agreed to break the rules, the last hurdle is that Rodgers would have to be idiot. He's not, though. When the time came to collect, Murphy might not be around. Or he could break the deal with Rodgers having no recourse. "No, Aaron, that's not what we agreed to."
Remember that time when men were men and a handshake was their bond? It never existed. It's a recipe for getting screwed. Only idiots do that.
Oh, so it was something you heard? I hear stuff every day that's total nonsense. Guys get paid to fill the air or fill pages every day. They have to say stuff even it's nonsense. It's a good thing you do not care.