Look at it from another perspective. Do you believe that people's personal lives can affect their job performance? It doesn't matter whether you are respecters of their privacy or not. That's not the question being asked.
Of course it can, your drive to work can affect your performance there. Pretty much, if it CAN happen, it CAN affect you for longer than just the moment it happens in. BUT, it does matter if you respect privacy or not. Because I don't care about all their details. I care that they are happy and life is going well for them. I care that they are decent people, but i don't need to know details. I don't need to ask and I don't need to consume the **** the bottom feeders pump out in the way of "journalism" to feed that hunger for details on someone else's life. There are going to be ups and downs to everybody's life. you can't avoid it.
Especially someone as private as Rodgers. he doesn't put his life out there for all to live thru. he never has. he doesn't go around saying "Hey, look at me and how awesome I am everyday in my life" and the people that do, I don't pay attention to anyway. Because I have my own life, and it's nice. I like it and I like to pay attention to it. Except of course when I need a distraction, then I come talk stupid stuff about football
But outside of hoping whatever was affecting Rodgers last year got fixed, I did not need a single detail of his family life or his girlfriends or any of the speculation. It serves nothing except other people's desire to talk about other people and be distracted from their own life. At the end of the day, the same coaches coached this team. Rodgers was the same man he was before, we didn't use a stunt double for half the season. He had the same girlfriend who everyone blamed for his demise. He had the same family at the end of the season that he started it with and the team's play clearly improved, as did his.
the only people that matter in that situation are those directly involved with it. They are the only ones that can affect it. The only ones that can change it. They are the only ones that can work thru it. The rest of us are just fluff and we should recognize it. It is none of our business who, how, or why someone is dating someone or how they interact with their families, even if it is affecting your ability to enjoy a game. nobody on the outside knows enough to even have an opinion on someone's personal life and the fact that so many think they do, well it's a problem. and even on the very off chance someone on the outside did know the actual reasons, they damn sure don't have the ability to do anything about it because no matter what they do, they will never be any of those people directly involved. and besides, I can guarantee they have their own issues they should be working on rather than worry about someone else's.