As of today, thinking Josh Jackson has much, if any trade value is the wishful thinking of a Packer Fan in my opinion. If you were a Ravens fan, how much would you want them to trade for him? Even Josh Jones, also a 2nd rounder, who did actually have some decent snaps, didn't get us anything in a trade, he was simply released.
At this point, it doesn't matter when in the draft Josh Jackson was taken or what he did at Iowa, but more of what he has done in the NFL and I would say, diddly squat.
Seems like we have had a run of guys like this, as I am sure most teams do, but these are the guys that you see on waivers, get all excited about because they were a former high pick and they turn out to be nothing burgers because they haven't made the jump from college to the NFL for whatever reasons.
Best move for the Packers, bring him to camp, hope he improves enough to play on defense or really well on special teams. If he doesn't, "adiós JJ!"