Sorry, I`m just shaking my head here. As fans, do we all need to wear rose coloured glasses ?. Sorry Mr Mason, but I think you`re wrong defending him here. The whole team stunk up the place, including Rodgers.
I can see it from both sides.
On the one, there are those who love A-Rod.
I am one of those. As a player, he is my favorite team member which is why I keep his avatar even when he is lousy.
Because of his awesome play, he is a two time MVP, a Super Bowl winner and SB MVP.
That image of Clay putting the title belt on Rodger's shoulder as he hoists the Lombardi trophy is hard to forget.
So remembering goes along with knowing that right now, as it is, he is our best hope.
So far the numbers show that the 2nd QB in line, Brett Hundley is not doing so well. However, he has not had much experience.
I was hoping to see him play better than he did in his most recent game.
But we still don't really know how good he is because he hasn't had much of a chance to show it.
On the other hand, when Rodgers plays bad, that is in the present and that is all we can go with.
A few weeks ago, we had no idea if he would beat the Texans.
Things were looking bad for the Packers and it was suggested that we would have a losing season, which we still could.
Until he climbs out of that hole, he is still struggling and that is when it just doesn't feel right for him to keep playing.
I don't think he is quite out of it, but he is getting closer near the top.
I will admit that benching him would have probably been the wrong move (Maybe Brett would have won more games for us. We will never know.) but I will not admit for being wrong for feeling as pessimistic as I did.