If you need to spend 6 minutes in a public bathroom stall you might have bigger problems than covidWell maybe that’s true about how they feel. I don’t see the evidence of people spreading it outdoors and I’m near positive that’s the least of our issues. 2 players both vaccinated that are close contact for 20 sec at a time. Not a high risk there, not at least not according to the experts anyways. That’s never been a scenario mentioned by any health department official.
From what I’m seeing fans have been outside shoulder to shoulder and there’s no indication of major outbreaks traced to football stadiums thus far.
Could a singular infection happen? Sure. You could also walk in a public bathroom and get Covid after being in a stall for 6 minutes. Is it likely? Absolutely not, but more likely than playing an outdoor football game.
The rule for high risk has been inside AND 15+ minutes in close contact or groups of 10+ and that’s from scientists in the field. I’m 99% sure These guys are getting covid from close contact for excessive periods of time, INDOORS and in larger groups OR direct contact as in how we pass it inside our homes. Unless these vaccinated guys are sneezing and spitting in each others faces they are very, very low risk outdoors.
Make them wear a Julius Peppers face shield for 10 days
Btw. We’ve played enough games to support no evidence of team to team spreading during a contest. I’ve not seen one outbreak happen that way. It’s ok to play it safe, but even i get a little crazy with the Isopropyl on my hip and the listerine rinse after close contact visit.
and yeah, that's what I took from your post.