They have already passed numerous rules in the 90s to reduce the role of the kicker. Smaller tees and spotting the ball from the spot of a missed kick, to name a couple. Isn't it a little crazy that the better that kickers get at their craft, the more that we punish them for it?
While I understand where you're coming from, I don't think it's crazy. This is, after entertainment. They're messing with the PAT because we all know what's going to happen, and what's the fun in that? They move the kick-off because all them are touchbacks, and what's the fun in that? I don't think most of the rules are intended to reduce the kicker's role so much as to make what they do more interesting/exciting/entertaining. As with any rule/law, there are always unintended consequences, and we never know 'til we try it.
Did I not understand your proposal? The longer the FG the fewer points? It's a bad idea.
All you'd get out of it is teams trying cross the line to the higher FG point range on 3rd. third down, not try to extend drives and score TDs with any more frequency, perhaps less.
As I alluded to above, I don't think anyone can say what we'd get out of this, or any other proposal. I'm sure when the two point conversion came in, there were a lot of opinions as to how it would affect the game, and many of them were wrong. How close is that more worthwhile FG, how important is that additional point, what's the game situation, etc. Lot's of ways to go, even if it was the reverse, like most of us would assume, where the change would be to make longer FGs more valuable.