Packman4Favre said:
So now you call Favre a loser?
Wow some Packer fan you are..
Hey... do us all a favor and become a Bear fan with an attitude like that.
Yea, you really care about the Packers don't ya?
You are way toooooooooo full of yourself!
What's with this political correctness with not calling Favre "mistake prone" when quite a few times, he has been. There's no such thing as a
perfect quarterback - and this idolitry I keep seeing for just one player, as if no one else on the Team had a damn thing to do with any of it... is more than slightly ridiculous!
Let's look again at Favre's record with-OUT a great Defense, ala Reggie White - how many Superbowls has he won?
Let's also remember that quite a few of us truly enjoy watching that Gunslinger play ball - but.. he also has a tendency to self-destruct... one way or another. Everyone saw that "this year"...
So, someone who critiques Favre without one-sided idolitry is full of themselves and should be a Bear's fan... WOW - no such thing as a two-party (or more) political system in your world... is there?
When Favre pulls one out, as he tried his damndest to do, during the Carolina game - I congratulate him tremendously! When he forces his attack plan and causes us (the Packers), all by his lonesome, to lose the game - I also pay attention and don't brush it under the back porch....
You cannot say Favre is thee greatest QB of all time - because he's not.
Sure - he's damn good and we all luv the guy - but he's limited himself along the way, by virtue of his own mistakes - his INT ratio this last season was the worst of his entire career... how's that being the greatest QB ever?
I'm not sure what you're smokin' - but it can't be that good....
(And, I'm a Seventies child - born in the Fifties - so if you think it was done by someone, then I probably tried a bit, myself.)
There's not a damn thing wrong with listing Favre's mistakes right along with his heroics!