Did the custodian's union agree to the conditions?
oh boy, here we go. You're one of those types that thinks the freedoms we enjoy in America only apply when you want them to, and you actually believe you can just sign them away with an employee contract. First off, the wording is so vague, they will be going thru the courts to resolve it. What constitutes "cooperation"? Submitting every last demand? or a sworn affidavit? Not everything in a contract is legal.
considering the courts seem to side with those with the money more often than not, i'm sure this will be common place for everyone very soon. before suspicion required proof and it had to be demonstrated that there was enough to go gather more. Now, we just need an allegation. Won't be long till unnamed sources start making allegations just to keep players in line with the company lock and step.
I'm sorry, any employer anywhere under any circumstances should have no more power than to ask if you did something, and as a free American citizen you are required to answer or not. Period. If they suspect more, than prove it. Yes some people will get away with things, but it's certainly better than giving such a huge tool to control the masses that will just lead to more power and more corruption within a small entity.
It started with a couple people that did some very bad things on tape, then it moved on to Brady not turning over a cell phone and now it's based on recanted words for a defunct "news" outlet. What's next?