Blogger cries about Lambeau and Packers fans


Nov 25, 2005
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pack_in_black said:
pack_in_black said:
What a tryannic, a-hole crowd Lambeau has.....

"Go home!" = A terrible, mean attack of another person just for being a visiting team's fan at the home team's stadium. What kind of jerk tells someone to do what they were already likely to be planning on doing anyway?

I laughed at this too. I was at a Tampa game and the guys in front of my dad and I would not sit down. The people behind us were getting pissed because we had to stand up every play to see anything.

I finally said something (nicely believe it or not) that that we had come 1400 miles to see the game and my dad was seventy five years old and didn't need to stand the whole game.

This moran sits down and starts mumbling something and then kind of flashes this can opener he was holding. I bent over and said very quitely that if I saw that thing in his hand again I would open his head with it.

"Go Home". What a candy ***.

warhawk= 100% pure, unadulterated badass

I agree! I was thinking the SAME THING!
What did the guy do after you told him that Hawk??? (I bet he pissed his *******!!!) :lol:


Jan 17, 2005
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Packwalking, WI
To be perfectly honest, anyone who wears the visiting team's colors at another stadium is going to get a bunch of flack, regardless of the stadium. You want peace and quiet when you go to an away game, you wear nondescript colors and cheer to yourself when your team does well. Otherwise, don't whine about the same thing your fans do to visiting fans at home games.

But I agree on the bench seating at Lambeau. I've been to enough games there that I turn down free tickets now when I get them offered. I just got tired of watching a game sitting sideways because everyone just so happens to be wider than the 10" allotted to them on the bench. The stadium is great, it's a great experience, but if you want to watch the game in comfort stay at home or go to a bar. In fact that's what we do a couple of times a year. Go up to Lambeau and enjoy all the tailgating and the parking lot experience, and then go to one of the nearby bars to watch the game. Great time and comfort, who can beat that?!!


Aug 16, 2005
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To be perfectly honest, anyone who wears the visiting team's colors at another stadium is going to get a bunch of flack, regardless of the stadium.

I agree.

The other year I went to GB @ Chicago, and wore my Favre jersey. Naturally people said things to me, some funny, some mean. But who cares. It's football. It's men all packed in a small space to watch other men hit eachother.

I've never been to Lambeau yet to experience the bench seats. One day. :(


Sep 21, 2005
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Maybe if he drank his beer in moderation and didn't act like a 6 year he might have been tolerated.

The only time I see visiting fans catch any crap is when they're loud-mouthed ******** full of beer.


Aug 26, 2006
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the unknown province
From my experience you usualy get out of a game what you want and if this guy was knowledgeable in visiting stadiums he'd know how to have a great experience. I actualy enjoy opponents stadiums almost as much as Lambeau cause I know how to make it a great time. It's the same in most places. First they'll throw a few insults at you to test you and if you get testy they've got you from the first minute. Instead if you have show them you can have fun back they'll usualy respect you and enjoy smacking back and forth. Then when the games over you have to be a gracious winner or eat your crow with humility. I'm heading down to the Metrodome tomorrow and as much as people complain about Viking's fans being jerks I always have a blast caue it's all in your attitude. This time I may not be a gracious winner though. LOL


Nov 25, 2005
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From my experience you usualy get out of a game what you want and if this guy was knowledgeable in visiting stadiums he'd know how to have a great experience. I actualy enjoy opponents stadiums almost as much as Lambeau cause I know how to make it a great time. It's the same in most places. First they'll throw a few insults at you to test you and if you get testy they've got you from the first minute. Instead if you have show them you can have fun back they'll usualy respect you and enjoy smacking back and forth. Then when the games over you have to be a gracious winner or eat your crow with humility. I'm heading down to the Metrodome tomorrow and as much as people complain about Viking's fans being jerks I always have a blast caue it's all in your attitude. This time I may not be a gracious winner though. LOL
Good points. If you go in with a chip on your shoulder looking for trouble, i guarentee, you will find it.
And there are good and bad fans for all teams. When i have been at Lambeau, i have NEVER seen opposing fans mistreated. Good natured ribbing? Plenty.


Nov 23, 2005
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Fontana, CA
I have to say of the 3 pro games we have attended we have only run into one "unruly" fan - and he was just drunk and challenging anyone around him.

We were "visitors" for both Pittsburgh ('06) and Green Bay ('03) at San Diego. I say visitor lightly because the crowds were at best 50/50 each team and I'd say the edge went to Packer fans at that game.

I was a visitor at Lambeau in '05 and while the Steeler Nation was well represented the Green Bay fans were fun, entertaining and very gracious (in defeat :wink: ). Perhaps the Packer fan on my arm helped too :)

There are going to be morons at any game for either team. This guy's piece just sounds like a load of sour grapes from a Charger Fan (best comeback line I heard was from a Steeler fan at San Diego "at least we don't have to wear powder blue")


Mar 29, 2006
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Salisbury, NC
I have to say of the 3 pro games we have attended we have only run into one "unruly" fan - and he was just drunk and challenging anyone around him.

We were "visitors" for both Pittsburgh ('06) and Green Bay ('03) at San Diego. I say visitor lightly because the crowds were at best 50/50 each team and I'd say the edge went to Packer fans at that game.

I was a visitor at Lambeau in '05 and while the Steeler Nation was well represented the Green Bay fans were fun, entertaining and very gracious (in defeat :wink: ). Perhaps the Packer fan on my arm helped too :)

There are going to be morons at any game for either team. This guy's piece just sounds like a load of sour grapes from a Charger Fan (best comeback line I heard was from a Steeler fan at San Diego "at least we don't have to wear powder blue")

best comeback line i ever heard at san diego. yea, well at least our coach isnt Norv turner.

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