Just when I sold myself on Joe and Troy not hating the Pack...He couldn't have been. According to the announcers, the refs were on the Packers payroll for that game. They would certainly have called it if that were the case.
"Pete Carrol can't wait to talk to the league office about the refs..."
"This game should be much different had the Packers not been gifted those calls..."
I am paraphrasing but that's essentially what the narrative was most of the game. I have noticed how the older I get, the less I care about what those blowhards say. Joe could be up in the booth stabbing AR12 voodoo dolls with needles while TroyBoy sacrifices a goat at the altar of Pete C and it will have zero impact on the outcome. Yes, it does get old hearing them gab but I don't have to worry about that all that much. I have a wife and an always-on-10's 5YO so watching the game is challenging enough let alone trying to listen to what those hens are saying. TV remotes have a MUTE button for a reason...I will leave it at that.
G P G!!