The Packers have drafted 14 O-linemen since Gut took over in 2018. I don’t think they know how to draft O-line. If they did they wouldn’t be signing one, he should already be on the team. Contrary to popular opinion out there, I don’t think the Packers know how to build a good team in the NFL of today. Their own division rivals have all passed them up and I think they have a good chance of occupying the basement position at the end 2025. Having Aaron Rodgers as quarterback covered up their failures in the draft. The only thing that will save them is a fan revolt which I don’t see coming anytime soon. One of the disadvantages of having a diffuse style of ownership, but not inferior to egotistical forms of ownership. Good luck to the Niners with the loss of so many of their players.
@Wraith09. What? The Packers have drafted
Round 1 (1 selection that was lost to injury and not enough information)
2nd round: 1 Center Myers who played through his contract as a reliable starter. 1 OG Jenkins who is one of the better players at his position in the league and more versatile than many 2nd rounders.
3rd Round: 1 player Rhyan who is currently a starter at RG, but could get outplayed by the above day 1 pick
4th Round: 2 selections Tom, who is one of the best RT in the NFL. Royce Newman who was an upper grade backup and actually started for a season + at RG.
6th Round: 5 players. 1 which never showed up at no fault of the Packers. So really 4.
Stepaniak who fizzled,
Runyon jr who became a mainstay at RG and is still a starter outside of GB
Van Lanen who fizzled and
Glover who’s too new to tell (2024)
RD7 Walker who’s a Starting LT today
So essentially if you take out the self disqualified Center Cole and the ones too new to judge (2024) you have 8 players to adequately judge. 6 of those 8 either started multiple seasons or are current starters and would be on many teams.
So in short. That’s actually a pretty solid “B” grade on a “C” scale imo. I don’t give out “feel good” draft grades like some sites do post draft to pat everyone on the back I use a “C”average draft scale is middle of the league.
The only ones that didn’t work out are a smaller group of 2-3 later 6th rounders. Big whoop. How many teams out if 32 would you put ahead of GB drafting at OL since 2018 and which teams are they?