Exactly what would the RG be doing that makes the LG play poorly? I can see where there are situations (pulling) where that could happen, but it would be fairly obvious. They're far enough away where they aren't tripping on each other, etc.
I think most of the time the obvious answer is the correct answer. Taylor just isn't that good.
Taylor could be not-that-good AND the problems could be the RG.
If the RG is the weakest link or weaker than the LG, the C will spend a disproportionate amount of time helping him out. Protections will shift to protect him or hide him. The team could elect to run away from the bad RG, forcing more runs to the LG side.
Again, none of that means that Taylor is good. Or that Turner IS the problem. It could have also be that Lang was good enough that it allowed our Centers to near exclusively coverup/protect Taylor at LG.
I'd say there is currently insufficient evidence to say why we're struggling at guard. It looks like both are doing poorly. Taylor has evidence of playing at least adequately in the past. So now I'm asking why?
Taylor was limited and the injuries are impacting more than anticipated? Possibly.
Cascading failures along the interior? Possibly.
Linsley isn't as good as we thought? Possibly, but I'd rate it pretty low on the likely scale.
Also possible that we played our two hardest games of the year and we don't face a DL that'll present that kind of challenge.