Penn State

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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Peter King this morning: (

Factoid of the Week That May Interest Only Me

In April 2005, Centre County (Pa.) district attorney Ray Gricar, who decided not to bring child-assault charges against Jerry Sandusky after an incident with a young boy in 1998, disappeared without a trace in Pennsylvania and has never been heard from since. His car was found in Lewisburg, Pa., near the Susquehanna River, and his laptop computer was found in the river.

In May 1996, Gricar's brother Roy, who lived in southwest Ohio, disappeared not long after being fired from his job in Dayton. His body was found days later in the Great Miami River. His car was found parked near the Great Miami River, and authorities ruled his death a suicide.

I don't know what that means. I just find it a horribly bizarre coincidence -- I think. :eek:
First thing I think of is that it's mob related. But then, damn, I've seen too many Sopranos episodes.

I wonder if they are somehow connected.
Though it could be an eerie coincidence.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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I've been having thoughts on the Second Mile program that Sandusky started for these troubled kids.
1) Did Sandusky start 2nd Mile just to be a predator to the boys? Or where his intentions, at first, genuine and honorable?
2) I wonder what's going to happen to the Second Mile organization. I understand Sandusky retired from it.
But will these recent events tarnish it's reputation? Will mother's know to distinguish between the organization and the man? Will anybody ever trust it again? Or will it have to end?
3) I'd like to think that it did help kids. It must have since it was around. I would like to read/hear positive things about it despite the troubles. But if it has to close because of all this and if troubled kids are denied another opportunity that would keep them out of trouble, that would be too bad.


Stranger in a strange land
Jan 15, 2011
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Just north of Baltimore
I've been having thoughts on the Second Mile program that Sandusky started for these troubled kids.
1) Did Sandusky start 2nd Mile just to be a predator to the boys? Or where his intentions, at first, genuine and honorable?
2) I wonder what's going to happen to the Second Mile organization. I understand Sandusky retired from it.
But will these recent events tarnish it's reputation? Will mother's know to distinguish between the organization and the man? Will anybody ever trust it again? Or will it have to end?
3) I'd like to think that it did help kids. It must have since it was around. I would like to read/hear positive things about it despite the troubles. But if it has to close because of all this and if troubled kids are denied another opportunity that would keep them out of trouble, that would be too bad.

1. I would hope that the program was started with genuine and honest interest in the kids. I would think that to be the case, as the program was up and running to some time. If it was set up as a predatory organization, you'd think that it would have been fully uncovered earlier, and it would have been easier for him to have worked with smaller groups that the organization did.

2. I can't see how it can continue as the same organization. There will always be that stigma and cloud of doubt just by association.

3. Again, I would hope that in the wreckage left behind, someone else will step in to help these kids. They were troubled before, they will need the support more now. I just hope that they will accept it instead of looking at the situation as "the ones who were supposed to help didn't, so nobody else will either."

We aren't too far from Penn State, and we have a lot of friends who have connections to the school, either alumni or have family attending. It has been a very difficult time for them as well. We have had talks with both of our daughters about what has happened as well.


I'm Dirty Hairy Callahan
Jul 8, 2010
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Mobile, AL.
Did you hear that interview Sandusky had with Costas? I never heard such a line of bullcrap in my life. Oh, I was naked in the shower with him, we were horsing around, but it wasn't anything ******.

Right, now you said something about some swampland in Arizona?

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Did you hear that interview Sandusky had with Costas? I never heard such a line of bullcrap in my life. Oh, I was naked in the shower with him, we were horsing around, but it wasn't anything ******.

Right, now you said something about some swampland in Arizona?
Weather or not it was ****** a naked grown man shouldn't be alone in a shower with a boy anyway.

What the heck is said to start that anyway?
You going to take a shower with me.
We really need to shower. At the same time. Right now.
I know you had a shower this morning but you need another one and it can't wait until you get home.


Feline Cheesehead
Sep 13, 2010
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Philly/ South Jersey area
It is a stupid thing to say and do. Kind of like Micheal Jackson saying he liked to have boys in his bed. It just looks bad. Sometimes people just don't stop and think what this is going to look like. Whether or not any ****** encounters occurred, the boys seem to be saying they did, it's still inappropriate. Something obviously went down there and somebody is lying. Either it's a big conspiracy theory to get rid of Joe Pa and derail Penn State on what looked like a championship season or Sandusky is a monster and they tried to cover it up. I'm going to go back to something LTF said, the timing of all this seems odd. They have apparently been sitting on this case for years. The case was before the Attorney General of Pennsylvanian, (who oddly enough is now Governor of Pennsylvania) in 2009. Why wasn't the matter dealt with then. Clearly they've known or at least had suspicions of this for years. The ball was dropped more than once. Why not go after the Governor of Pennsylvania while they are at it? There are a lot of things here that really don't add up. The timeline for instance. They said this was going on for 15 years and somebody eye witnessed it, nothing was done to stop it and the public is just hearing about this now? This is either a massive failure of the legal system, or something else is going on.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Yup..I still say it is fishy that it all came out full blown 2 weeks after a major record is broke.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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It is a stupid thing to say and do. Kind of like Micheal Jackson saying he liked to have boys in his bed. It just looks bad. Sometimes people just don't stop and think what this is going to look like. Whether or not any ****** encounters occurred, the boys seem to be saying they did, it's still inappropriate. Something obviously went down there and somebody is lying. Either it's a big conspiracy theory to get rid of Joe Pa and derail Penn State on what looked like a championship season or Sandusky is a monster and they tried to cover it up. I'm going to go back to something LTF said, the timing of all this seems odd. They have apparently been sitting on this case for years. The case was before the Attorney General of Pennsylvanian, (who oddly enough is now Governor of Pennsylvania) in 2009. Why wasn't the matter dealt with then. Clearly they've known or at least had suspicions of this for years. The ball was dropped more than once. Why not go after the Governor of Pennsylvania while they are at it? There are a lot of things here that really don't add up. The timeline for instance. They said this was going on for 15 years and somebody eye witnessed it, nothing was done to stop it and the public is just hearing about this now? This is either a massive failure of the legal system, or something else is going on.
Do you, or anyone else, have any clue or ideas why they (Whoever "they" are) would do this against Joe?
He brings in money for the school and creates winning teams.
So why would they discard the golden calf?
I just don't get it why or how there would be any kind of elaborate scheme against Joe.


Feline Cheesehead
Sep 13, 2010
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Philly/ South Jersey area
Do you, or anyone else, have any clue or ideas why they (Whoever "they" are) would do this against Joe?
He brings in money for the school and creates winning teams.
So why would they discard the golden calf?
I just don't get it why or how there would be any kind of elaborate scheme against Joe.

Not within the organization of Penn State, they wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot. Hypothetical. Lets say somebody from outside the organization, say a rival team or whatnot, got wind of what was going on and decided to drop a bomb. This is farfetched, but with the way things have been going on, it's not impossible.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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Not within the organization of Penn State, they wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot. Hypothetical. Lets say somebody from outside the organization, say a rival team or whatnot, got wind of what was going on and decided to drop a bomb. This is farfetched, but with the way things have been going on, it's not impossible.
While I agree with you and Longtime that the timing on this is a bit too coincidental and strange I don't think there is any kind of conspiracy to bring Joe down.
In a way he is a fall guy. I think that they fired him now to somehow try and save face. They could have probably suspended him and/or waited until the end of the football season to fire him which is more than halfway done.
I think he made a mistake and should go but maybe he didn't have to be a poster boy on what to-do-next-time, just yet.
And apparently this investigation started back in 2009. But why wait two years to do something which gives Sandusky another two years to do alleged inappropriate things to more boys?
If I saw a Jeffery Dahmer type neighbor where boys entered but didn't leave would they wait two years before arresting the guy?
I hope not.
But I think there is something wrong with the justice system that doesn't take quicker action to try and help potential young victims. I have to wonder if they did take their time with Sandusky because of his "good guy" reputation with Penn State and the community.
"We can't arrest him just yet. He's a local celebrity and besides, this will make Penn State look bad right now."
Anyway, I hope Penn State losses big money in law suits and/or out of court settlements.


Stranger in a strange land
Jan 15, 2011
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Just north of Baltimore
Another thing that is disturbing about Sandusky is that as recently as last week, he was still visible on campus, in full Penn State regalia. Sure, he may be wanting to try to convey an "everything as usual" appearance to help with his claim of innocence, but he's obviously so self diluted that he can't see the negative attention that his actions are bringing to the university.

You'd think if he honestly had the best interests of PSU in mind, innocent or not, he'd steer clear of campus until things died down. It's almost as though, between this and his interview with Costas, he's so delusional that he just doesn't see the harm in his twisted activities.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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And now it looks like there could even be more victims.

One case went back to the 1970s. Sandusky founded The Second Mile, the charity through which he is alleged to have met his victims, in 1977.

It also appears, that Sandusky founded The Second Mile program just so he could commit these terrible crimes.
If he is convicted and there are enough counts against him, he could probably go away to prison for life.
If anyone feels that justice isn't served, like he only gets 3 years, Penn State could be burned to the ground.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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I am a non-celeb. A nobody where I live.
If I had done the same thing and was caught, my butt would be in jail awaiting trial right now. No doubt.
Yet this guy is out there free to do god knows what.
His house neighbors an elementary school where he can watch kids coming and going and... well... I don't want to go there. Treatment of celebs and local sports/college "heros" is unfair to the rest of us schlubs.


Duke Mantee
Jan 27, 2011
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Mobile, AL U.S.
Are they going to take back Penn State's championships? I see they took Paterno's name from the Big 10 Trophy.

did anyone go see J Edgar? There's a line in that movie that reflects Paterno, it's not how your legacy was, it's how your legacy ENDS.


Feline Cheesehead
Sep 13, 2010
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Philly/ South Jersey area
Dude really needs to learn when to shut his mouth and he needs to pay attention to what he is saying. Does he think the prosecution his made up of a bunch of half-wits?

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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Dude really needs to learn when to shut his mouth and he needs to pay attention to what he is saying. Does he think the prosecution his made up of a bunch of half-wits?
Having this attorney isn't helping.
If he's guilty then that's a good thing.


Stranger in a strange land
Jan 15, 2011
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Just north of Baltimore
Yeah. This attorney is giving him some awful legal advice or he's not too bright himself. It's almost like he's self destructing.

I really wonder if that isn't part of the grand scheme. Go through and then enter an insanity plea or appeal that he did not have competent legal representation. The more that becomes public knowledge about this case, the more I realize why I could never be a defense attorney. I can't imagine giving my best effort to prove the innocence (or disprove the guilt) of guys like Sandusky.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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No comments on the sentence?
Kinda surprises me after all the reactions when this started.

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