One of the biggest blunders in the history of Pro Sports


Aug 9, 2008
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We have just witnessed one of the biggest blunders in the history of professional sports. By a GM, a coach and his staff, an organization, a player, his agent, a team, and a fan base.

A lot of people will not like this post, because the truth hurts, and in truth we all have to share the blame in the unfortunate and sad events that have transpired in the past few weeks. As a blogger (Jeff Robbins) for Channel 3 News here in Madison WI stated, the only winner in this situation is the Jets, and solely because they couldn’t really have gotten much worse given their last season.

Although I cringe at the idea of trying to influence anything so trivial as professional sports, the fact is that I have been avidly watching the Packers since the days before the Magic man (and I am not talking about Favre), and as such am a certified fan. Even though it seems as we as fans have no say in the state of the teams we adore, and in some respects we don’t, at the same time without the fans there would be no teams, and no games to be played. Subsequently to diminish the feelings of the fans is to diminish the legitimacy of the team, and what it stands for.

All parties involved in this debacle have left me as a Packer fan saddened, disgusted, and disappointed.

Favre is an idiot if he thinks we will receive the kind of unconditional love in NY that he had here in Packer Nation. Once he has one of his 3-4 INT games the fans in NY will be all over him. We sat through many seasons with nearly as many INTs as TDs, and not once did we lose faith in him or the team, despite what the nay-sayers on these forums in recent weeks would have people believe. He never should have listened to his agent over his heart, as all his agent seems to want is to ride his meal ticket to another commission, and he knew there would probably be no more if Favre was allowed to finish up his contract and career in GB. Aparently I was wrong when I said the only thing left for Favre to play for is another championship, as that not really realistic for him or us now (at least not any time soon).

Ted Thompson, Mike McCarthy, and the whole Packers organization, are inexcusable for pushing one of the best players in the league out the door. It is unprecedented in professional sports to let a player, who has in the past and could in the present help your team win a championship, and his legacy, the likes of which we haven’t seen since Bart Star, degenerate to this state. I can not recall an instance in professional sports where a franchise player at the top of his game, with the team poised to make a run at the championship, has been dishonored, and disavowed like this.

I am saddened that the players on the team did not speak up, and say something like we like Arron, and are excited by the potential he has in years to come, but the man who has been our leader for so many years, and gives us the best chance at winning now, wants to come back, and we want him back too!

Lastly I am ashamed by the way we the fans have reacted. So much in fighting, questioning each others loyalty, not respecting each others opinions, it’s no wonder the management hasn’t taken much stock in what we have to say. All in all everyone involved in this situation couldn’t have handled it much worse if they had tried, and it is really too bad.

Yours truly, a disheartened Packers fan.

“Becoming you”- Indigo Girls


Jul 13, 2008
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Brett could have come back and started if he had been able to put his feelings behind him. it's a shame he couldn't.


Aug 2, 2006
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Terry Bradshaw calls Favre the best to ever play the game...that is saying something from a guy who has 4 rings...And...we let a cat fight ...a he said ...he said...argument albeit on the airwaves via Greta...turn this thing into the circus...push the best to ever play the game according to Bradshaw...out the door. At what Peter King said...Three people...TT, MM and MM made decisions that have impacted packer nation for a long time...3 people controlled the destiny of this franchise...whatever happened to we the people...we the shareholders...our say means nothing...Farve was the goldmine that re-built atrium...


Jun 15, 2008
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Who knows what player we'll draft with the pick we get from Favre? We get a career from likely a second round pick for Favre, who has a couple years at most in the tank.

Plus who says we win a Superbowl for sure if we have Favre? What if he threw another pick in the playoffs and we lost? Why not let Aaron get some games under his belt... this team is nowhere near past its prime; its going to be a contender for a while.

I'm with the organization on this one.


Sep 14, 2005
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SE Wisconsin
ChiliMaddensChili said:
Who knows what player we'll draft with the pick we get from Favre? We get a career from likely a second round pick for Favre, who has a couple years at most in the tank.

Plus who says we win a Superbowl for sure if we have Favre? What if he threw another pick in the playoffs and we lost? Why not let Aaron get some games under his belt... this team is nowhere near past its prime; its going to be a contender for a while.

I'm with the organization on this one.
it just does not seem right to make a change at one of the most critical positions on the field when you have such an experienced veteran, who had such a great season


Aug 9, 2008
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dhpackr said:
i still do not get why TT forced brett out of gb

This is a MYTH, people! This is utter nonsense that has been repeated so many times by the TT haters that it sadly has taken on a life of its own. Don't you believe it! Just because Thompson never coddled Brett like Sherman did does NOT mean he forced him out. If Favre said jump, Sherman asked how high. Nearly everything Sherman did as a GM went through Favre first. Once Sherman was fired, Favre was mad because Thompson wouldn't share his GM duties with him, so he LEFT!


Aug 9, 2008
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ChiliMaddensChili said:
Who knows what player we'll draft with the pick we get from Favre? We get a career from likely a second round pick for Favre, who has a couple years at most in the tank.

Plus who says we win a Superbowl for sure if we have Favre? What if he threw another pick in the playoffs and we lost? Why not let Aaron get some games under his belt... this team is nowhere near past its prime; its going to be a contender for a while.

I'm with the organization on this one.

When this nonsense started out, I was all on Favre's side. But the three day "interview" (really a press release) on Greta turned my stomach like sour milk. I saw a whiny, vindictive person who I DID NOT RECOGNIZE and so I asked myself, is THIS the guy I want running our team? Once he said those spiteful things, anyone who is intellectually honest KNEW that he would be a divisive presence from that point on in Green Bay. Then with the subsequent drivel being leaked to Chris Mortensen on a regular basis by #4, his behavior grew even more childish and from that point on I decided, rightfully, that whatever management wanted to do was fine. FAVRE burned his bridge on this one, NOT the other way around!


May 18, 2008
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Lazarus said:
Lastly I am ashamed by the way we the fans have reacted. So much in fighting, questioning each others loyalty, not respecting each others opinions, it’s no wonder the management hasn’t taken much stock in what we have to say.

Many of the people who peruse these forums claim to be Packer fans, yet somehow believe they can justify hoping that the Packers fail spectacularly, even so far as to hope that Rodgers gets injured. Why shouldn't we question their loyalty?


Nov 14, 2005
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Tightwad Ted has finally gotten his way and forced Favre from the Packers and now HIS MAN Rodgers is finally the annointed starter. It was plain from Favres comments that this ******** has been going on for a long time. I can't help but hope that this move is the undoing of SHI-Ted and that Favre has another career year.


Aug 10, 2008
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Antonio Freeman had it right when he was interviewed on ESPN earlier this week. He stated he believed that the reason Favre did not give McCarthy the impression he was... "ready to return to the team"... is that Brett was never offered the oppotunity to win back his starting role, and was not ready to be Rodgers back-up. It was ludicrous to excpect Brett to come back under those conditions. What if the Bulls had treated Michael Jordan this way 10 years ago? For 25+ years we P-backers watched this team struggle; and then to push the player most responsible for the team's successful turn-a-round out the door after 16 years is despicable. Fact: Murphy, Thompson, and McCarthy are only interested in creating their own legacy, and Favre stood in their way. Well the 3 stooges have now created their legacy; they'll forever be known as the idiots who forced the best QB in NFL history, while still at the top of his game, out the door, and were fired 5 months later!


Aug 9, 2008
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4rules said:
Antonio Freeman had it right when he was interviewed on ESPN earlier this week. He stated he believed that the reason Favre did not give McCarthy the impression he was... "ready to return to the team"... is that Brett was never offered the oppotunity to win back his starting role, and was not ready to be Rodgers back-up. It was ludicrous to excpect Brett to come back under those conditions. What if the Bulls had treated Michael Jordan this way 10 years ago? For 25+ years we P-backers watched this team struggle; and then to push the player most responsible for the team's successful turn-a-round out the door after 16 years is despicable. Fact: Murphy, Thompson, and McCarthy are only interested in creating their own legacy, and Favre stood in their way. Well the 3 stooges have now created their legacy; they'll forever be known as the idiots who forced the best QB in NFL history, while still at the top of his game, out the door, and were fired 5 months later!



Feb 4, 2008
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4rules said:
Antonio Freeman had it right when he was interviewed on ESPN earlier this week. He stated he believed that the reason Favre did not give McCarthy the impression he was... "ready to return to the team"... is that Brett was never offered the oppotunity to win back his starting role, and was not ready to be Rodgers back-up. It was ludicrous to excpect Brett to come back under those conditions. What if the Bulls had treated Michael Jordan this way 10 years ago? For 25+ years we P-backers watched this team struggle; and then to push the player most responsible for the team's successful turn-a-round out the door after 16 years is despicable. Fact: Murphy, Thompson, and McCarthy are only interested in creating their own legacy, and Favre stood in their way. Well the 3 stooges have now created their legacy; they'll forever be known as the idiots who forced the best QB in NFL history, while still at the top of his game, out the door, and were fired 5 months later!

it's true...i bet the only reason why Favre didn't tell McCarthy he was ready because he wasn't given a chance to compete for his job back. i would leave too...i mean would you stay with a team that has lied to you over and over about '""we'll welcome you back"" ""we'll let you come back and compete for the starting job"" all BS words from the Lambeau office


Aug 9, 2008
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NFL_GEEK said:
4rules said:
Antonio Freeman had it right when he was interviewed on ESPN earlier this week. He stated he believed that the reason Favre did not give McCarthy the impression he was... "ready to return to the team"... is that Brett was never offered the oppotunity to win back his starting role, and was not ready to be Rodgers back-up. It was ludicrous to excpect Brett to come back under those conditions. What if the Bulls had treated Michael Jordan this way 10 years ago? For 25+ years we P-backers watched this team struggle; and then to push the player most responsible for the team's successful turn-a-round out the door after 16 years is despicable. Fact: Murphy, Thompson, and McCarthy are only interested in creating their own legacy, and Favre stood in their way. Well the 3 stooges have now created their legacy; they'll forever be known as the idiots who forced the best QB in NFL history, while still at the top of his game, out the door, and were fired 5 months later!

it's true...

No, it's unfounded speculation. Learn to spot the difference.


Jul 4, 2008
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GreenBlood said:
NFL_GEEK said:
4rules said:
Antonio Freeman had it right when he was interviewed on ESPN earlier this week. He stated he believed that the reason Favre did not give McCarthy the impression he was... "ready to return to the team"... is that Brett was never offered the oppotunity to win back his starting role, and was not ready to be Rodgers back-up. It was ludicrous to excpect Brett to come back under those conditions. What if the Bulls had treated Michael Jordan this way 10 years ago? For 25+ years we P-backers watched this team struggle; and then to push the player most responsible for the team's successful turn-a-round out the door after 16 years is despicable. Fact: Murphy, Thompson, and McCarthy are only interested in creating their own legacy, and Favre stood in their way. Well the 3 stooges have now created their legacy; they'll forever be known as the idiots who forced the best QB in NFL history, while still at the top of his game, out the door, and were fired 5 months later!

it's true...

No, it's unfounded speculation. Learn to spot the difference.

Is that like saying A-Rod will be great/ Or Ted's building a SB Team......It's all speculation.


Aug 10, 2008
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It's certainly intesting how everyone who's qualified to evaluate this (former and current players, coaches, etc.) have all spoken-out in Favre's favor and are in agreement with this article. Lombardi legends Hornung, Kramer, and Starr all offered to mediate in Brett's behalf; the situation should have been resolved professionally, within the Packer organization. Deanna's book will reveal the rest of the story.

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