It's time for Favre to play his cards by PG's M Vandermause


Apr 16, 2005
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De pere, Wi.
Mike Vandermause column: It's time for Favre to play his cards
Mike Vandermause • July 13, 2008

It has the feel of a high-stakes poker game, and the Green Bay Packers have called Brett Favre's bluff.

It's your play, Brett, and the question is, are you going to fold or go all in?

General Manager Ted Thompson wisely declared Saturday the Packers would not comply with the ill-advised request by Favre's agent, Bus Cook, to release the 38-year-old quarterback.

Does Cook think the Packers are stupid? Why would they set him free to sign with the Minnesota Vikings or Chicago Bears?

The notion the Packers owe Favre a favor for all he has done for the organization is warm, fuzzy and completely out of touch with how business is conducted in the NFL.

Thompson is compelled to do what's in the best interest of the Packers, and giving Favre the freedom to sign with any team would be irresponsible. So, he chose the only viable option, which was to welcome Favre back, with no guarantees.

Thompson didn't say Favre must serve as Aaron Rodgers' backup, but he also gave no assurances Favre would get his starting job back.

The Packers are playing their cards right in what has become an offseason soap opera focusing on Favre's inability to decide about his football future.

Favre has earned the right to flip-flop about retirement, and if he changes his mind 10 more times before the start of training camp, by all means let him.

But once July 27 rolls around, when players are required to report to camp, Favre's waffling ways must end. If he's willing to suit up, Thompson seems to suggest Favre must earn a starting role, which is only fair.

If Favre takes it as a slap in the face, that's his problem. If he's better than Rodgers, it will show during training camp and preseason games, and Favre will assume his usual role directing the No. 1 offense in the regular-season opener.

The notion that an open competition at quarterback would fracture the team, with veterans favoring Favre and younger players siding with Rodgers, is misguided. The essence of football is competition, not fretting over hurt feelings and bruised egos.

This is a big-boy league where no player should be handed a free pass. Starting jobs must be based on merit, not reputation.

We don't know if Rodgers is capable of beating out Favre, but he deserves a chance to find out. If he proves himself worthy, the Packers can begin evaluating Favre trade options, because no one wants a player with a $12 million salary riding the bench.

But first, Favre has to declare his intentions. We have heard from his agent, mother, brother, friends and others with close ties. We have yet to hear directly from Favre.

The football is in his hands, and the time has come for Favre to decide what he wants to do with it.

Mike Vandermause is sports editor of the Press-Gazette.


Jun 13, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
Re: It's time for Favre to play his cards by PG's M Vanderma

Favre holds all the cards. No one in the league believes TT will pay $12 million for a backup QB, and no one is going to add his contract to their salary cap via trade when they can negotiate on their own terms once he is released. Favre knows this and TT knows it. This entire soap opera is a desperate game of chicken TT is playing trying to save face to avoid being branded the GM that ran the most beloved player in franchise history out of town.


Mar 20, 2005
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Minneapolis, MN
Re: It's time for Favre to play his cards by PG's M Vanderma

Favre holds all the cards. No one in the league believes TT will pay $12 million for a backup QB, and no one is going to add his contract to their salary cap via trade when they can negotiate on their own terms once he is released. Favre knows this and TT knows it. This entire soap opera is a desperate game of chicken TT is playing trying to save face to avoid being branded the GM that ran the most beloved player in franchise history out of town.

Really? Even after they were ready to bring him back at the end of March? That doesn't sound right.


Nov 25, 2005
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Re: It's time for Favre to play his cards by PG's M Vanderma

Anubis said:
Favre holds all the cards. No one in the league believes TT will pay $12 million for a backup QB, and no one is going to add his contract to their salary cap via trade when they can negotiate on their own terms once he is released. Favre knows this and TT knows it. This entire soap opera is a desperate game of chicken TT is playing trying to save face to avoid being branded the GM that ran the most beloved player in franchise history out of town.

Really? Even after they were ready to bring him back at the end of March? That doesn't sound right.
Once again, that most important FACT was left out by Anubis. Seems he prefers to blame TT for Favre's choices and indecision.
But you can be sure that was left out for a reason. It's easier to blame someone you already hate then to put the blame where it really belongs, on someone you love.
I love Favre, but i believe there are consequences for your actions. If you screw up in life, should you be handed a free pass for life? Favre made his choice, and doesn't like having to deal with the reality of what his choice has got him. A few seem to think he can do no wrong. I believe in looking at reality. Favre is ONLY human, and his indecision is costing him now. Who's fault is that? TT's? MM's? How about......Favre himself? :shock:

I wouldn't mind seeing him play for us again this season. I hoped for that all along. But he backed HIMSELF into this corner. It's time for him to admit it, and deal with it accordingly.
Stop making the Packers look like the bad guys. Admit you screwed up, and come into camp prepared to fight to get your starting job back. If he really is still that good, he should have no problem doing that. Should he?


Dec 24, 2006
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Re: It's time for Favre to play his cards by PG's M Vanderma

Anubis said:
Favre holds all the cards. No one in the league believes TT will pay $12 million for a backup QB, and no one is going to add his contract to their salary cap via trade when they can negotiate on their own terms once he is released. Favre knows this and TT knows it. This entire soap opera is a desperate game of chicken TT is playing trying to save face to avoid being branded the GM that ran the most beloved player in franchise history out of town.

Really? Even after they were ready to bring him back at the end of March? That doesn't sound right.

In the end no one will care what happened in March. People are going to remember that Favre wnated to come back and the Packers said no. TT can try all the media games he wants. Plus we havn't even heard Favre's side. I'm positive tthere is more to the story and what you've heard is not the whole story. TT is not perfect.

My whole stance is, I don't care what happened in March. Favre gives us the best chance of winning a SB, so I want him. I'm a fan of winning. Michael Jordan is the world's biggest diva, go google "quotes by Jordan to teammates" to see how much of an a-hole he was. But who cares, he gave them the best chance to win. If Favre wants to come back, I bring him back.

But I'm not the GM. TT is. So if he makes the decision he wnats Rodgers, I have to liive with it and move on. But in the end, he will be the one praised or blamed depending on what happens with Rodgers (i.e. injury, stinks or leaves in 2 years). I feel we should all move on. Trade Favre as soon as you can and move on. I can't stand this "come back, we welcome you". It's a media play and thats it. He clearly doesn't want a $12 million back up, so why are you saying it. TT is to blame just as much as Favre.

Both are acting like babies.


Mar 25, 2006
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Grand Forks, ND
I still think Packone said it best. (paraphrase) Over the past two decades, we Packers fans have been spoiled. And in that time, Favre got spoiled too.


Dec 24, 2006
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Re: It's time for Favre to play his cards by PG's M Vanderma

wils0646 said:
Anubis said:
Favre holds all the cards. No one in the league believes TT will pay $12 million for a backup QB, and no one is going to add his contract to their salary cap via trade when they can negotiate on their own terms once he is released. Favre knows this and TT knows it. This entire soap opera is a desperate game of chicken TT is playing trying to save face to avoid being branded the GM that ran the most beloved player in franchise history out of town.

Really? Even after they were ready to bring him back at the end of March? That doesn't sound right.
Once again, that most important FACT was left out by Anubis. Seems he prefers to blame TT for Favre's choices and indecision.
But you can be sure that was left out for a reason. It's easier to blame someone you already hate then to put the blame where it really belongs, on someone you love.
I love Favre, but i believe there are consequences for your actions. If you screw up in life, should you be handed a free pass for life? Favre made his choice, and doesn't like having to deal with the reality of what his choice has got him. A few seem to think he can do no wrong. I believe in looking at reality. Favre is ONLY human, and his indecision is costing him now. Who's fault is that? TT's? MM's? How about......Favre himself? :shock:

I wouldn't mind seeing him play for us again this season. I hoped for that all along. But he backed HIMSELF into this corner. It's time for him to admit it, and deal with it accordingly.
Stop making the Packers look like the bad guys. Admit you screwed up, and come into camp prepared to fight to get your starting job back. If he really is still that good, he should have no problem doing that. Should he?

Sorry Cheesey, I just don't get it. If we have decided that Rodgers is our QB, why bring Favre back. I don't understand. Why put Rodgers or Favre in that position. Montana and Young resented each other and Young/Montana in 1993 would have never worked. Why not just trade him and move on.

While I agree that Favre has put himself in this position. He has basically admitted that and that is why he has not publically come out and demanded his starting job back from Rodgers (which he could have done). He sent a letter to hte Packers asking to be released. I really don't understand what else he was suppose to do if he changed his mind. He made a mistake and he is willing to move on. Thats why I really don't get the whole "we welcome you back" stuff.


Nov 25, 2005
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Because whatever ends up happening, Favre will be on our roster unless a trade is made. Until that time, he has to be considered on the team. Of course he hasn't even asked for reinstatement yet, so who knows what will happen.
It's a no win situation for the Packers. No matter WHAT they do, they will get screwed.
Do i think he will actually ever play for us again? No. But IF he does, i'd be cheering for him.
Thats all i mean really.
I will be behind whoever is our QB.


Dec 30, 2005
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i will ALWAYS remember that they wanted him back, that he apparently didn't "feel" wanted enough, & then that he went back on every word he uttered about retirement, his undying devotion to the packers organization, & how he would NEVER play for another team. i will ALSO remember that he gave us more amazing memories than ANY other qb, that he gave my dad an amazing gift, that he is by far the toughest qb to ever play the game, & above all - that he is HUMAN.


Nov 25, 2005
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i will ALWAYS remember that they wanted him back, that he apparently didn't "feel" wanted enough, & then that he went back on every word he uttered about retirement, his undying devotion to the packers organization, & how he would NEVER play for another team. i will ALSO remember that he gave us more amazing memories than ANY other qb, that he gave my dad an amazing gift, that he is by far the toughest qb to ever play the game, & above all - that he is HUMAN.
GREAT post Illy!
And i agree.
Everyone messes up....we are all nothing more then human.
Hopefully all this will end better then it has been so far.
I don't see how thats possible, but i still hope for it.


Jul 4, 2008
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The notion that an open competition at quarterback would fracture the team, with veterans favoring Favre and younger players siding with Rodgers, is misguided. The essence of football is competition, not fretting over hurt feelings and bruised egos.

Love that line


Mar 29, 2006
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Salisbury, NC
PWT36 said:
The notion that an open competition at quarterback would fracture the team, with veterans favoring Favre and younger players siding with Rodgers, is misguided. The essence of football is competition, not fretting over hurt feelings and bruised egos.

Love that line

thats the essence of football is fair competition. there is no fair in this fight thanks to fans like you.


Dec 24, 2006
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4packgirl said:
i will ALWAYS remember that they wanted him back, that he apparently didn't "feel" wanted enough, & then that he went back on every word he uttered about retirement, his undying devotion to the packers organization, & how he would NEVER play for another team. i will ALSO remember that he gave us more amazing memories than ANY other qb, that he gave my dad an amazing gift, that he is by far the toughest qb to ever play the game, & above all - that he is HUMAN.
GREAT post Illy!
And i agree.
Everyone messes up....we are all nothing more then human.
Hopefully all this will end better then it has been so far.
I don't see how thats possible, but i still hope for it.

Same, agreed.

I am getting sick of discussing this issue. I just wish the Packers would either trade him or release him as soon as possible, so we can focus in on the Packers 2008 season.

Once again I state both sides are acting like babies (Favre AND TT). It's time to move on instead of having a fight in the media. Just sit down with each other, work out a list of teams Favre wnats to go to and work out a trade. Simple as that and both sides are happy. Favre plays again and Packers start Rodgers without Favre looking over his shoulder. I really think its simplier than it has been made out to be by Favre and TT.

I'm going to lay off the board for a few weeks and come back when we resolve this issue. See you in a few weeks. A lot of extreme views on both sides of the issue and when that happens, irrational thoughts follow. "Fire TT" is stupid. "Favre is a *********" is stupid. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Go Packers!

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