Squirrel Pee's challenge


Jun 4, 2005
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Some of you travel other boards and will see Squirrel Pee. She's a friend of Mike Sherman's family and has been a staunch Sherman supporter.

She posed the question:"What are you going to do if Ted Thompson keeps Mike Sherman?"

It was directed at the detractors, asking whether they would stay loyal to the Packers if Public Enemy Number One is still running the show.
I think it's an interesting question to pursue, at least until his status is known next week.
I've supported Sherman, as you know. On some boards Squirrel, me and a couple others took tremendous beatings from the anti-Shermanists.
I responded to her question this way:
I agree with SP. I think there COULD be several disappointed Internet message board Packer fans next week. I've backed Sherman in the face of a bunch of bandwagon jumpers who think the head coach is totally at fault for every decision, every day, everywhere. Change the head coach and suddenly...POP!...all is better. Doesn't work that way very often in the NFL.

I won't change attitude one bit, however, regardless of coach. Packers fan since 1960.

But from this point forward I hope fellow Packers fans realize that if Sherman is the coach next year, the gallows also have to go out for Ted Thompson.

Ted is pulling the personnel strings. This could be the most critical off-season in a generation for the Packers.

I think he began instituting his plan last year. Many told me I was full of BS when I said Thompson began rebuilding the Packers last off-season. The first hint of that came out in today's Milwaukee J-S. Ted knew his job was safe for a couple of years. Regardless of who the coach is, they likely will be seeing different faces in the interior line, backfield, wideouts, d-line, linebacker and probably safety, punter and kicker...and last but not least QB. If Favre retires and Nall signs elsewhere(very likely) they will need TWO QB's. One should be a veteran to push Rodgers and fill in if he's hurt.

Quite frankly, I don't know how TT is going to find quality players for all the openings.

I think Thompson realizes that his best coaching candidate, should he want a change, is already on staff in Jim Bates. Preserving some continuity on defense is critical,especially if Favre retires. Rodgers is going to have a tough time for awhile and the defense is going to be required to keep the team in games.

But it wouldn't surprise me to see Thompson give Sherman one more year. Sherman has proven(sorry detractors) that he can turn around a sinking ship. He might ask him to do it again. He might also hand the job to Bates or someone else to deal with, which would make all the Sherman nay-sayers happy, but won't guarantee success, at all. It will buy the new coach one year before the detractors...safe and warm in their jammies at home.. start questioning the play-calling, integrity, brains, personnel decisions, manliness, of the new coach, and the old Vince Lombardi quotes will appear again, ad nauseum, at the bottom of the message boards messages.


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
net....the Sherman bashers would absolutely LOVE having Sherman back. It gives them something to ***** about when any little thing goes wrong. They will still CALL themselves Packer fans but in reality they will bash all season long no matter what the results.

BTW...if Sherman is let go they will find someone else spew their venom at. It's just their nature.


Jun 6, 2005
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You know, guys, for the most part, people on this board make their case pretty clearly about why they do or do not want Sherman running this team. That you choose to disagree is fine...... that you choose to lump all people who do not see things your way as "Sherman Haters" is not. It is no different than 66 or Chase calling you two "Sherman *** Kissers". Both are wrong.

Dig your passion...would appreciate your eliminating blanket statements. They have the potential to limit debate and dialogue (especially for newer members who might be a little intimidated by it), which is the whole point of the forum.


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Well net..

I was consulting with my friend Deer ****..who happens to be a friend of the Rossley's...and he fed me with some very interesting information concerning the Packers....

What you're really asking here net...is about Packer fan's loyalty....(which I think shouldn't be questioned just because they DARE question the moves of one Mike Sherman)...or would like to see him fired because of his incompetency...

What would you like to see....net...fans signing a Packer loyalty oath? That only happens in Washington...

Also..do you think..like a King..a Packer HC should be appointed for life..and anyone who dares question it has committed an act of treason? Maybe the Pack should have just given Sherman a 20 year contract to begin with..and be done with it...

or maybe...and i'm beginning to think that this is true...

maybe some of you so called "Uber Packer fans.." really do want to see the PAck return to the mediocrity of the 70's..and 80's..because you are really more comfortable there..and believe me..if that's the case...then Sherman is your man..because without Favre...he is going to bring you there...QUICK...

The funny thing about all you Sherman lovers and Favre haters is that you actually think that it's best to get the Favre era over with and move on quickly to the Aaron Rodgers era....What is the all-fired..god darned hurry over that?...There's plenty of time to suck again for 20-30 years...why are you in such a hurry to get there now...??

You're pushing your best chance to stay on top out the door..and for WHAT?
Aaron Rodgers....?? Ol' time Packer losing football...???

Now what I think might surprise you..(and I think Steve Young nailed it all along)...but this is not ALL SherRossley's fault...although they have had a HUGE hand in it...

What TT, Sherman and the Packers should have done was say.."Now we only have Brett for 2-3 more years..possibly..We have to keep a good team around him and sign some impact veterans at the skill positions to give us a chance at making a run at a championship.." Now I know some of you here will say that he was strapped by the cap...but there were definitely things that TT could have done this year..but he didn't do them..

Now I think that it was TT's plan all along (perhaps with Harlan's blessing)to completely scrap this team and pay lip service to championships, and Favre, and the fans...and to completely go into rebuilding mode NOW...

Favre finally sees this...(and that's why you've seen some of the puzzling quotes you have by him this week..)...and this has been TT's way to push Brett Favre..the icon... out of GB without seeming like the bad guy who did it...

The only problem is..that TT..(and all of you other people) are just rushing head first into losing season after losing season...and again, i say..what's the hurry? There's plenty of time to lose after Favre has retired...but little time to win with him here...

The funny thing is that you people think that the Packers are going to return to their winning ways without Favre at QB, and with Mike Sherman as HC....(man..that is funny..sad..but funny..)

Frankly, I hope that Brett Favre signs with some other team and takes them to glory..because believe me..he can still do it...and it might prove to all you naysayers and critics of Favre that you are wrong..DEAD WRONG!

But one thing that is not wrong is that the Packers are headed back to mediocrity.....Squirrell poo poo and net..be damned..and Sherman WILL fail!


May 21, 2005
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North Dakota
[email protected] are the Favre haters on this board? Please give me names because I'm tired of all the accusations about "hating on Favre". I know there are Sherman supporters and Sherman bashers or whatnot, I do not see many people that are "anti-Favre". Maybe my eyes have been closed and I don't realize who they are, so if you will, please list them for me.


Oct 9, 2005
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But it wouldn't surprise me to see Thompson give Sherman one more year. Sherman has proven(sorry detractors) that he can turn around a sinking ship. He might ask him to do it again.

Net - what sinking ship has Sherman PROVED he can turn around. He has been the anchor pulling the Packer ship down the last five years. This team is the team he assembled. The team he won with was the one Wolff put together.


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
66...you have some deep issues. You equate Sherman lovers with Favre haters. Where does this come from? I happen to support and continually defend both of them. I believe you are the only one here that feels that it is one or the other. Nobody, as far as I can tell even mentioned Favre in this thread until you tied the two together.


Jun 6, 2005
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The only reason i've made the correlation is because there's alot of people here saying...

"We should trade Favre.."
"We should bench Favre and give Aaron Rodgers a shot..."
"Favre has lost it..and should retire..."


That, to me, is not only being ungrateful, but its just flat out WRONG...!


May 21, 2005
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North Dakota
Just for the record....I don't think Favre should be traded, I don't think he should be benched, I don't think Favre has lost it, and I don't think he should retire.

There...I feel much better!

I do think that if games were blowouts either way, Aaron Rodgers should have been given a significant amount of game snaps. However, this season saw GB in virtually every game with the exception of the Ravens and Saints so the Packers were putting the best man on the field to win games. Unfortunately, this season was a bad, bad nightmare.


Jun 5, 2005
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DePack said:
net....the Sherman bashers would absolutely LOVE having Sherman back. It gives them something to ***** about when any little thing goes wrong. They will still CALL themselves Packer fans but in reality they will bash all season long no matter what the results.

BTW...if Sherman is let go they will find someone else spew their venom at. It's just their nature.

For some reason you seem to think that because we don't think Sherman has done a good job as coach, we are not loyal Packer fans. That is the furthest thing from the truth. It is my loyalty to the Packers and my hopes that the Packers return to be a quality team that makes me want to get rid of him. I don't think he has the ability to make this team better. I could list many reasons, but that's not the point of this post. I do want Mike Sherman fired, but that doesn't make me a less loyal fan.


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
Pack...I'm with you. I support Sherman, but if you don't so be it. We can argue all day. If you bash Favre then there is no argument....you need a lobatomy.


Dec 24, 2004
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All I can say is the coach isn't responsible for everything.

I don't think that you will find many that back Sherman's GM moves because I think he really put the Packers in a tough spot, but as far as a coach?

The records speak for themselves. It's not like this year has ever happened before. Call me a Sherman lover or a hater, it doesn't matter either way. I just look at the team as see that before this year, they have been consistently successful yr in and out, so someone must be doing something right. You can't expect them in the Super Bowl every year. There are teams that would kill for a coach that can win multiple division titles.

Greg C.

Jun 1, 2005
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Marquette, Michigan
No surprise that a friend of Sherman's family supports Mike Sherman. I was in Sherman's corner for five years, through thick and thin, but decided after last season's embarrassing playoff loss to the Vikings that it would be a good time to move on and get a different coach. This season has done nothing to make me change my mind.

But to answer the question: I will be sticking up for the Packers no matter who is coaching them. I have a lot of respect for Mike Sherman, and I would love to see him prove me wrong and take this team farther than he has before.


Aug 16, 2005
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I still find it amazing that there are still sherman supporters. How many times does he have to suck at clock mangement,playcalling,timeout use,challenge use, and every thing else....

and just because people are critical of a coach or even a player(favre bashers), doesnt mean they dont like the team anymore...thats just retarded.


Jun 4, 2005
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Ashland, WI
P@ck66 said:
Well net..

I was consulting with my friend Deer ****..who happens to be a friend of the Rossley's...and he fed me with some very interesting information concerning the Packers....

What you're really asking here net...is about Packer fan's loyalty....(which I think shouldn't be questioned just because they DARE question the moves of one Mike Sherman)...or would like to see him fired because of his incompetency...

What would you like to see....net...fans signing a Packer loyalty oath? That only happens in Washington...

Also..do you think..like a King..a Packer HC should be appointed for life..and anyone who dares question it has committed an act of treason? Maybe the Pack should have just given Sherman a 20 year contract to begin with..and be done with it...

or maybe...and i'm beginning to think that this is true...

maybe some of you so called "Uber Packer fans.." really do want to see the PAck return to the mediocrity of the 70's..and 80's..because you are really more comfortable there..and believe me..if that's the case...then Sherman is your man..because without Favre...he is going to bring you there...QUICK...

The funny thing about all you Sherman lovers and Favre haters is that you actually think that it's best to get the Favre era over with and move on quickly to the Aaron Rodgers era....What is the all-fired..god darned hurry over that?...There's plenty of time to suck again for 20-30 years...why are you in such a hurry to get there now...??

You're pushing your best chance to stay on top out the door..and for WHAT?
Aaron Rodgers....?? Ol' time Packer losing football...???

Now what I think might surprise you..(and I think Steve Young nailed it all along)...but this is not ALL SherRossley's fault...although they have had a HUGE hand in it...

What TT, Sherman and the Packers should have done was say.."Now we only have Brett for 2-3 more years..possibly..We have to keep a good team around him and sign some impact veterans at the skill positions to give us a chance at making a run at a championship.." Now I know some of you here will say that he was strapped by the cap...but there were definitely things that TT could have done this year..but he didn't do them..

Now I think that it was TT's plan all along (perhaps with Harlan's blessing)to completely scrap this team and pay lip service to championships, and Favre, and the fans...and to completely go into rebuilding mode NOW...

Favre finally sees this...(and that's why you've seen some of the puzzling quotes you have by him this week..)...and this has been TT's way to push Brett Favre..the icon... out of GB without seeming like the bad guy who did it...

The only problem is..that TT..(and all of you other people) are just rushing head first into losing season after losing season...and again, i say..what's the hurry? There's plenty of time to lose after Favre has retired...but little time to win with him here...

The funny thing is that you people think that the Packers are going to return to their winning ways without Favre at QB, and with Mike Sherman as HC....(man..that is funny..sad..but funny..)

Frankly, I hope that Brett Favre signs with some other team and takes them to glory..because believe me..he can still do it...and it might prove to all you naysayers and critics of Favre that you are wrong..DEAD WRONG!

But one thing that is not wrong is that the Packers are headed back to mediocrity.....Squirrell poo poo and net..be damned..and Sherman WILL fail!

Why dont you go on an opponent's message board. Dont you have anything postive to say here?


Jun 6, 2005
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my point was that I hope Favre comes back next year and takes the Pack at least to the NFC championship game...

with Mooch..or someone else..as HC....

(sorry about the negativity chick..but some of these people were really pissing me off with all the negative talk about Favre...he really doesn't deserve that...imo!)


Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ashland, WI
P@ck66 said:

my point was that I hope Favre comes back next year and takes the Pack at least to the NFC championship game...

with Mooch..or someone else..as HC....

well 66, maybe one more year.


Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ashland, WI
P@ck66 said:

my point was that I hope Favre comes back next year and takes the Pack at least to the NFC championship game...

with Mooch..or someone else..as HC....

(sorry about the negativity chick..but some of these people were really pissing me off with all the negative talk about Favre...he really doesn't deserve that...imo!)

yes 66, it bugs me too all the negativity. Are you a Packer fan? just want to make sure. you can stay here. not trying to kick you off.


Sep 22, 2005
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phoenix AZ
If MS is replaced, it should be with Bates. If he is not replaced, a number of his assts. DO need to go. e.g. OC, STs, WRs. Frankly,I don't know if MS or Rossley is calling the plays. But it's GOT to change. Also, I had high hopes for TT after last year's draft (I'm not exactly sure why now) and the next 4 months assuredly will have a huge impact on his reputation.


Dec 30, 2005
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personally, i thought the deer **** comment was hysterical, 66!! good stuff, imo!!

as far as those who believe it takes the whole team to win or lose, i couldn't agree more. BUT the bottom line is the buck stops with the coach & his staff. i've never really cared for shermans style of coaching - just a personal preference on my part though. i like to see a little fire in a coaches belly & there's nothing like that with sherman. play calling has been suspect for the past couple years at least & clock management has been a joke at times - all of these things fall on his shoulders - fair or not, that's just the way it is. i wouldn't call myself a sherman hater - just don't care for his style & some of his decision-making is baffling at times.

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