Recent content by Favreforever721

  1. F

    Will the defense ever play a FULL GAME???

    The defense played great for about 55 minutes last game, but they were tired as hell. This is because the offense didn't control the ball. Also, the two turnovers in two possessions killed our defense, for they had no rest.
  2. F

    Tired of the Fairweather

    Who isn't sick of these fans, but you have to deal with them. Every team in every sport has them, but in varying degrees. If you think certain Packer fans are "fairweather", look at a Kentucky Wildcats basketball forum after a win and then again after a loss! You will see hundereds of 'fans'...
  3. F

    Which jersey to wear?

    Just stick with the AJ Hawk jersey. I bought a Hawk jersey last season, and in the weeks where I have worn it, the Packers are 17-5.
  4. F


    Frost punted the ball 28 yards today...I'm betting that over 50% of this board could punt a ball farther than 28 yards
  5. F

    Why does it seem on a sack, Rodgers goes down way to easy?

    I don't think that is true. It seems to be the opposite to me. Aaron has avoided at least 2-3 sacks because he was squirming away when he was grabbed, or spinning and throwing a pass.
  6. F

    Defensive Line: 1/2 Second Too Late?

    I don't know if it is just me, but it seems like this year, the defensive line is about a half-second too late in sacking the quarterback. We are getting alot of hurries, but we can never seem to get a clean shot on the opposing quarterback. I know we have 9 sacks this season, but it seems like...
  7. F

    Good game (to the realistic Packer fans)

    The refs were getting a bit out of hand. On about half of the penalties, the players were puzzled, because they didn't see any penalties. The refs wanted to take control of the game, and they did early.
  8. F

    Brohm not Getting it Done - Team may look at Veterans.

    I do hope we sign a veteran QB to backup Rodgers for this season. It is dumb to go into the season with a talented team, but with 3 QBs who have no starting experience.
  9. F

    Tony Kornheiser

    If you are a PTI regular like me, you know that Tony Kornheiser chugs Brett Favre's Kool-Aid every day. He has been the biggest Favre fan in the media that I have seen, so he was very unhappy about the Packers giving Favre the boot. Last night, though I didn't hear him say the Packers would go...
  10. F

    why we should support aaron rodgers

    We should support him because he is our starting quarterback as of now. End of discussion.
  11. F

    Is The Defensive Line In Trouble?

    I too am worried about our D-Line. They were marvelous last year, but that was because we had 5 guys who could step in and produce. Now that the rotation is gone, we may see a lesser D-Line this year.
  12. F

    So ....What did we get?

    So what are you suggesting Thompson do? Should he have traded him to the Vikings, Bears, or Buccaneers, all whom are on our schedule this year? I think this deal benefits the Jets and Packers, but hurts Brett Favre's legacy, because he will suffer a losing season and his stats will surely drop...
  13. F

    the odds for the jets

    Favre is a good player, but no one is good enough to take a 4-12 team to the Super Bowl.
  14. F

    the nfc deal

    While the Packers are a very talented team, I just can't see them winning this year. But I can see them going to the NFC divisional round this year, and maybe the Super Bowl next year.
  15. F

    I don't know about you guys...but...

    I hope he does well, but I have a feeling he will struggle.

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