Recent content by ArizonaPackerFan

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    I wonder if they will try to sign Muir after the first game, then cut him again after Neil's suspension is over. Whatever D-lineman they keep on the roster now they have to pay him for the entire season. If they bring a D-lineman back after the first game, they can pay him on a per game basis...
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    Brett and croc pics??

    For as much grief as Tiger got, Brett could end up in worse shape if proven to be true. Tiger did his indiscretions with private individuals. Brett supposedly did it with women employed by the Jets. If this is true, he could be in trouble with ****** harassment laws since they were all employed...
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    Brett and croc pics??

    A few years ago I knew it was only a matter of time before the Packers retired #4 and put him in the ring of honor at Lambeau. If this stuff turns out to be true and snowballs, I'm not so sure anymore. I don't know if any of it is true or not, but I know if I was brett and it wasn't true, I'd be...
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    IM GOING TO Arizona

    It was a beautiful sunny 70 degree day sunday, and they had the roof closed. They should have saved us some tax dollars and built a dome. If you can afford it, I'd really suggest you go this Sunday if you can make it. It's hard to tell from the TV as I recorded it too and watched it later...
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    IM GOING TO Arizona

    If anymore of you want tickets to the game, the following site has about the best prices I've seen. I've bought tickets from there several times. The Go PAck Go chants echoed really well inside the Cardinals new stadium last week :) I hope we have as many Packer fans there this week, but it...
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    Grady wants revenge

    I agree. Only the Packers and Panthers were interested in him when the Saints dumped him. He did a good job of overcoming a bad reputation with good play and good conduct when he started out with the Packers, but once again greed steps in and the reputation and ill-wll resurfaces. He'll...
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    "We're going to attack Free Agency"

    A few weeks ago jsonline made it sound questionable. It sounded like Murphy has the same narrowing of the spinal column that Tim Lewis had. It sounded like Murphy still wanted to play, but he has to make a decision if he wants to risk further injury. He sounded like he had a lot of...
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    Is Bates gone?

    Bates wants to be a head coach, and if another team offered him a HC job he'd be gone. But I haven't heard any other team mention Bates as a candidate. At the moment it doesn't sound like he has anywhere to go to be a head coach if no one wants him as their HC. And he can't pack up and leave to...
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    Non football related Brett Favre item

    They mentioned it on the local Arizona news last night. They didn't go into detail, but they almost made it sound like the guy who stole Brett's ID didn't even know who Favre was. I'm sot sure if that's true or not, but the way they reported it kind of made it sound that way. Send the guy to...
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    Bates should stay no matter what.

    Sherman and McKenzie together again after all these years???? :D
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    Is Wade Phillips a token interview?

    I hope it's just a case of Thompson leaving no stone unturned and being thorough in interviewing as many candidates as possible just to be sure he isn't missing anyone. Because I don't want guys like Phillips or Tice either. If he did start hiring people based on friendships instead of...
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    Bates Interview today

    :thumbsup: Looks good. You should make it your avatar.
  13. A

    Parcells as coach?

    I agree. Plus, I thought he was still under contract with Dallas for next year. We might have to give Dallas a draft pick to get him similar to when Tampa gave up picks for Gruden. We need the draft picks more than Parcells.
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    Mike Tice as the coach

    Packer forums everywhere will be in for some rough weeks before Vikings games from Vikings fans if Tice actually gets hired :(
  15. A

    Wade Phillips now?!?...

    The reports of Tice and Phillps being interviewd make me nervous. It reminds of the 49ers firing Mooch so they could hire Dennis Erickson.

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